Senin, 31 Desember 2018
These 10 Messages of the Prophet in Women When Serving Husbands in Beds
Understanding the importance of the need for it, a Muslim woman (wife) is required to be smart in carrying herself while in bed and serving her husband. Relationship between husband and wife also has ethics that must be maintained. We should as the people of the Prophet Muhammad to always do the sunnah as exemplified by the Apostle. The following are ethics that must be guarded by a wife when they are in the bed as the message of the Prophet:
1. Meet the husband's invitation as soon as possible
One of the tasks for a wife is to serve her husband to make her happy. Therefore, when he asks his wife to serve him, then as soon as possible a wife must make her husband's request, even serving her husband on the first night.
2. Organize the comfort of the bed well
The bed is the most important place in making husband and wife relations. Therefore, as much as possible a woman must be able to make the place comfortable to use.
3. Giving Shades of Intimacy by Always Appearing Attractive
Husbands and wives must maintain their intimacy so that marriage can be well established. The way a wife can do is to make an attractive appearance so that the husband does not turn to another heart.
4. Don't imagine another man's body
Although just imagining, God forbids women from doing so. Because we already have a husband and must maintain lust so as not to be attracted to other men.
5. Look stunning every time you see it
Seeing loved ones is a joy for humans. Likewise with a husband who is very happy when his wife is gentle, especially with a charming appearance.
6. Not related to childbirth and menstruation
A proposition has explained that it is forbidden for women who experience menstruation and childbirth to have a husband and wife relationship. Besides being unlawful, medically this will also cause harm to women. He will experience tremendous pain when having a husband and wife relationship during menstruation or childbirth.
7. Not related to the rectum
The Apostle explained how to do husband and wife relations well. God has also created the right way to make this connection. Anal is a way that is forbidden by God when related. Therefore, do not make marital relations through the rectum because it will hurt the wife.
8. Don't look at the husband's vital parts
During the relationship, do not look at the husband's vital parts because this will increase lust even though he is not doing it. This is one of the messages made by the Prophet.
9. Knowing ethics relates correctly
Ethics related to husband and wife is needed so that we do not do things that are forbidden by God.
10. Keep matters in bed with others
The husband and wife relationship is their secret so no one else can know, even though it's the closest person.
Understanding some of the Prophet's Sunnah as taught by the Apostle will help us in understanding the ethics of husband and wife in accordance with Islamic teachings. Thus the message of the Messenger of Allah to women while serving their husbands in bed.
Halal Ways to Satisfy Husbands When Menstrual Wives
There are a thousand halal ways to satisfy a husband when he is menstruating. In this way, you can avoid your husband masturbating or even cheating.
Bismillah ... Ustadz, how do you satisfy your husband when your wife is menstruating? may the wife (‘afwan) play her penis until the semen comes out? Does this include masturbation or not?
From: Ana
Bismillah was shalatu was greeting ‘ala rasulillah, amma ba’du,
There are a thousand ways to satisfy a husband when his wife is menstruating. Because Islam does not punish menstrual women physically as unclean objects that should be shunned, as is the practice of Jews. Anas bin Malik relates,
أن اليهود كانوا إذا حاضت المرأة فيهم لم يؤاكلوها ولم يجامعوهن في البيوت فسأل الصحابة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فأنزل الله تعالى: ويسألونك عن المحيض قل هو أذى فاعتزلوا النساء في المحيض ...
Indeed Jews, when their wives experience menstruation, they do not want to eat with their wives and do not want to stay with their wives in one house. The companions also asked the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. then Allah sent down the verse, which means:
"They ask you about menstruation, say that menstruation is dirt, so avoid women in the part where menstrual blood comes out ..." (Surat Al-Baqoroh).
Thus, husbands can still do anything when their wives are menstruating, other than what Allah forbids in the Qur'an, which is to have intercourse.
3 Kinds of Intimate Interactions between Husband and Wife During Menstruation
There are 3 kinds of intimate interactions between husband & wife during menstruation:
First, interactions in the form of intimate relationships during menstruation. This act is unlawful with the agreement of scholars, based on the word of God,
ويسألونك عن المحيض قل هو أذى فاعتزلوا النساء في المحيض ولا تقربوهن حتى يطهرن فإذا تطهرن فأتوهن من حيث أمركم الله
They ask you about menstruation. Say: "Menstruation is a filth". Therefore, you should distance yourself from women during menstruation; and do not approach them before they are holy. when they are holy, then mix them in the place that God commanded you. Surely Allah likes those who repent and like those who purify themselves. (QS. Al-Baqarah: 222)
People who violate this prohibition, must repent to Allah, and pay kaffarah, in the form of one or half dinar. You can see information about this: Law of relating to the body after menstruation stops but not yet bathing must
Second, the interaction in the form of making out and making out in addition to the area between the navel to the wife's knee during menstruation. This kind of interaction is lawful with agreed upon scholars. A'isyah radhiyallahu ‘anha told,
كَان رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ وَسَلَّمَ إِذَا حِضْتُ يَأْمُرُنِي أَنْ أَتَّزِرَ ، ثُمَّ يُبَاشِرُنِي
When I menstruate, the Prophet sallallaahu ahu alaihi wa sallam told me to wear a sarong and then he flirted with me. (Narrated by Ahmad 25563, Turmudzi 132 and judged to be saheeh by Al-Albani).
The same thing was conveyed by Maimunah radhiyallahu ‘anha,
كَانَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يُبَاشِرُ نِسَاءَهُ فَوْقَ الْإِزَارِ وَهُنَّ حُيَّضٌ
The Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam flirted with his wife in the area above the sarong, when they were menstruating. (Narrated by Muslim 294)
Third, interaction in the form of making out and making out on all of the wife's body besides intimate relationships and anal sex. This kind of interaction was disputed by scholars.
1. Imam Abu Hanifah, Malik, and As-Syafii argue that this kind of action is haraam. Their argument was the practice of the Prophet sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam, as explained by A'isyah and Maimunah.
2. Imam Ahmad, and a number of ulama hanafiyah, malikiyah and syafiiyah argued that this was permissible. And this opinion is strengthened by An-Nawawi in Shahih Muslim Syarh (3/205).
Among the arguments that support the second opinion are
a. The Word of God
وَيَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الْمَحِيضِ قُلْ هُوَ أَذًى فَاعْتَزِلُوا النِّسَاءَ فِي الْمَحِيضِ
"They ask you about menstruation. Say: "Menstruation is a filth". Because of that you should distance yourself from Al-Mahidh ... "
Ibn Uthaymeen said,
The meaning of Al-Mahidh includes the menstrual period or the place of menstruation. And where menstruation comes out is kamaluan. During menstruation, having intimate relationships is illegal. (As-Syarhul Mumthi ’, 1/477)
Ibn Qudamah said,
فتخصيصه موضع الدم بالاعتزال دليل على إباحته فيما عداه
When God only orders to stay away from the place of discharge, this is the argument that besides that, the law is permissible. (Al-Mughni, 1/243)
b. The hadith from Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu ‘anhu, when the companions asked about their wives during menstruation. The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said,
اصْنَعُوا كُلَّ شَيْءٍ إِلَّا النِّكَاحَ
"Do everything (with your wife) except marriage." (Narrated by Muslim 302).
When explaining this hadith, At-Thibi said,
إِنَّ الْمُرَادَ بِالنِّكَاحِ الْجِمَاعُ
"The meaning of the word" marriage "in this hadith is intimate relations." (Aunul ma'bud, 1/302)
Intimate relationships are called marriages, because marriage is the main reason for the intimate residence.
c. It is stated in another narration, that sometimes the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam also carried out different practices as above.
Narrated from Ikrimah, from several wives of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam,
أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان إذا أراد من الحائض شيئا ألقى على فرجها ثوبا
"That the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam when intending to have an intimate relationship with his menstruating wife, he told him to put a bandage on his wife's genitals." (Narrated by Abu Daud 272 and Al-Hafidz Ibn Hajar said: Sanad was strong).
Masturbation Is Not a Solution
Understand this, the husband should not need to worry when his wife is menstruating. And do not ever masturbate without the help of the wife's body. Removing semen from other than the wife's body is an illegal act, as Allah says when mentioning the criteria of a lucky believer,
وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ لِفُرُوجِهِمْ حَافِظُونَ. إِلَّا عَلَى أَزْوَاجِهِمْ أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُهُمْ فَإِنَّهُمْ غَيْرُ مَلُومِينَ. فَمَنِ ابْتَغَى وَرَاءَ ذَلِكَ فَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْعَادُونَ
Those who guard their genitals, except for their wives or slaves they have; Then indeed they in this case are not terceIa. Whoever seeks behind it, they are those who transgress. (Surat al-Mukminun: 5-7)
Among the lucky believers are people who always take care of their genitals and don't distribute them, other than to their wives and slaves. That is, as long as the husband uses the wife's body to reach the climax of lust, then it is not considered disgraceful. In contrast to "people who are looking for other things", either adultery with other women, or using help other than their wives to reach climax (read: masturbation), Allah calls this person's actions as an act of overreaching.
Allahu a'lam
Matches Must Meet According to Islam, Wisdom of the Love Story of Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam!
However, on the other hand there are also many couples who at first don't know each other, then God unites them in a sacred bond namely marriage. Well, that's what they called a match.
Matchmaking will not go where, if indeed it is not any mate and however we try it God must have a more beautiful way to not unite it. Vice versa, if indeed it has been matched so far as far as the distance does not even know, God always has the perfect way to be able to bring it together.
Mate will not go anywhere, there is an interesting story that we can take himah as enshrined in the Qur'an from the story of Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam. In this article, we will try to review a soul mate that is sure to meet with a lesson from one of the stories of the life of Nabiyullah Yusuf Alaihisalam, especially in his love life.
When Obedience to God is the Main Platform, Matches Must Meet
"And the woman (zulaikha) who lived in her house tempted Joseph to bow (to him) and he closed the doors, saying 'Come here,' Joseph said, 'I take refuge in Allah, truly my master has treated me well, Surely the wrongdoers will not be lucky. "(QS: Yusuf: 30)
History says that Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam was a young man who had a very handsome face. Even with Allah's permission, his good looks fascinated many women. One of them is the wife of her own employer named Zulaikha who was very fascinated by the good looks of Prophet Yusuf Peace be upon him.
The scholars of interpreters say that the age of the Prophet Yusuf peace be upon him while still living in the palace ranged from 20 to 25 years. If we look at his age, we can imagine how the lust of a young man at that age. When he was at the age of high lust, Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam refused.
Even though he won this time in a foreign country where he was only a slave who was traded. Where the status of these slaves was the lowest and vulnerable strata to commit crimes in the community at that time.
An Imam Ibn Taymiyyah said that, "Foreigners are difficult to avoid doing evil deeds", but apparently it is not for Nabiyullah Yusuf Alaihisalam, He Alaihisalam can reject the invitation of someone who is very beautiful Zulaikha even though there is nobody in the palace besides them both. Not only that, all the doors of the palace door were closed by Zulaikha. It was amazing, he was able to prevent himself from accepting immoral invitations by a Zulaikha who at that time was very attractive again.
At that time the Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam said "I took refuge in Allah", and Allah has guarded himself from committing disobedience, he peacefully escaped the test of faith.
Love is about choice, and Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam prefers obedience to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, beliaua alaihisalam accepts the risk of his rejection of his employer's invitation. Then in short, Prophet Yusuf aihisalam was finally locked up in prison.
Mate Must Meet, God Always Has a Beautiful Way to Meet It
Time passed, now was the time for Prophet Yusuf Peace be upon him to be free from confinement in the palace prison. There are many interesting stories that began in the prison of Prophet Yusuf alaihisalam, ranging from interpreting dreams that cannot be interpreted by the people of the king's trust, then being trusted as a palace treasurer until finally becoming the king to replace Zulaikha's husband after his death.
This is what is called a soul mate to meet. Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam was finally reunited with Zulaikha this time to get married. The story of the annihilation is indeed not contained in the Holy Qur'an, including the name Zulaikha, but through scholars who interpret it we can find out. One of them is Imam Tabari who has narrated from Muhammad bin Ishaq writing a romantic dialogue between the Prophet Yusuf alaihisalam and Zulaikha when they were married.
"Isn't this opportunity better than our first meeting when you were eager to vent your desires."
Then Zulaikha answered with diplomatic and romantic answers,
"O most trusted person, do not corner me with your words, be honest and admit when we meet first that in your eyes I will look beautiful and charming, live well with a royal title and everything I have, but at that time I was so tormented because my husband do not want to touch any woman is no exception to me, then I will wholeheartedly acknowledge the gift of God given to your good looks and strength. "
Finally Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam found that Ra'il (Zulaikha) was still a virgin. Because since marriage, Zulaikha has never been treated by the king of Al-Aziz. The Prophet Yusuf and Zulaikha were finally blessed with two sons named Afra'im (Ephraim) and Misya (Manasseh).
A soul mate will meet, if indeed Allah is destined to be married, be assured that someday, sooner or later Allah will meet through his qodar. This understanding is very important for us, especially for those who are still alone and are in the waiting period.
We can witness for ourselves how many men and women who have sacrificed obedience to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, only because of love of beings, fear of losing their soul mate, afraid that their soul mate will be taken by people and other reasons.
But from the story of Prophet Yusuf Alaihisalam has taught us all how we should love. There is no prohibition against us to love humans of the opposite sex, but we must remember that our love for humans must not tarnish our love and obedience to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Always make God the first and foremost, God willing, we will meet happily with the match that God meets with us.
5 Habits of In-laws that Make a Home Damaged
Here are five in-laws actions that can cause misunderstandings in their children's household
1. Comparing
If it's just a story, it might be normal, but if it's accompanied by an attitude of comparing anyone, it would be reluctant.
"Try it like your brother, the business continues smoothly. After all, you have to try and change it successfully, "said when he met one of the children.
Actually the intention of parents or in-laws to motivate. But, sometimes the words that appear actually lead to misunderstandings and humbling.
2. Bad talk
This second attitude is also unethical. The attitude of harming daughter-in-law in front of relatives can be potentially bad.
The son-in-law will be underestimated and abused by his brothers.
"God, the A is very sensitive. Pantesan is difficult to get a mate. Mbok is like you are so strong mentally, "said when with B.
3. Only Love the Success
Success cannot be measured absolutely only with money. Some are financially ordinary, but life is safe and comfortable and beneficial.
When you are in law you should be sensitive and not only give attention to children who appear to be financially successful.
4. Forced to be uniform
Every child has different potential. So, there are various kinds of work that are undertaken.
"The point is succeeding when you enter medicine. Point!"
"Anyway you have to be a civil servant like your brother!"
Wise, isn't it?
5. Underestimating the Science of Religion
Religion guides humans to avoid problems. However, religion is often ruled out.
In fact, there are assumptions, some graduates of Islamic boarding schools are not right to be a son-in-law.
"The cottage boy is earned."
Husband Is Difficult To Pray? This is the Solution of the Qur'an and the Sunnah
QUESTION: "Ustadz, I want to ask how to respond to a husband who is lazy to pray, while his wife is a Muslim woman who obeys and how her position as a wife for years is waiting but there is no change."
There is no doubt that living together with a husband who does not pray is a disaster where mishaps are not permissible, especially since you have been patient for a long time. Prayer is indeed a serious matter except for those who are solemn. Prayer is a direct relationship between a servant and his Rabb. Shalat is the first charity to be taken away.
Prayer is a scale by which we can know one's religion and kindness. Whoever keeps it, then he has the light, proof and salvation on the Day of Judgment. And whoever does not take care of him he has no light, proof and salvation on the Day of Judgment, and will be gathered together with Pharaoh, Haman, Qorun and Ubay ibn Khalaf.
Prayer is an obligation that will not fall from a human while he breathes and has memories, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said to‘ Imran ibn Husain radhiallahu ‘anhu:
"Pray in a standing condition, if you are not able, then by sitting, if you cannot, then (lying) on the stomach." (Al-Bukhari, 1006)
Some things that can help improve a husband who is lazy to pray. Among these are the following:
1. Relying on Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala
Submitting to Him for guidance to the man, and the truth is we pray for someone at night, and preach it at noon, according to our level of sincerity and honesty, then kindness and obedience will come.
2. Taking a good entrance advises him
Present beautiful words, choose the right times, and list the goodness and good qualities. And try to help him prepare his confidence by saying, for example:
"Alhamdulillah, you are a good person, you are responsible, and humans call you kindness, and it will be great if you consistently pray five times a day. For truly I am glad to see my husband come out like another man with his family to the houses of God. "
3. Ask for Helpful Relatives
Encourage the righteous people from your mahram to visit him and invite him to pray without him feeling that this is an agreement between you. And prefer prayer times in pilgrimage until he can go to the mosque with them.
4. Give tapes, books, or videos about Islam
Buy tapes, and small books that explain the laws of people who leave prayer, and the punishment of those who underestimate the implementation of prayer in time, and put the tapes and small books on the place he usually reaches with his hands.
5. Inviting prayers in a polite manner
Ambitious so that he is consistent in doing the five daily prayers for the first time, then preaches him to establish it with his specialties, rukuknya and tumakninah. And such things will not happen unless they regularly pray. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has praised those who are solemn in their prayers by saying:
"And those who care for their worship." (Q. Al-Mukminun: 9)
Due to routine and keeping prayers will deliver to solemnity, and prayer will not be useful unless solemn.
6. Make meals after prayer times
7. Explain the danger of leaving prayer on time
Mush'ab ibn Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqash radhiallahu ‘anhu once said to his father while reading the words of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
"Then the accident is for those who pray, (ie) those who are negligent from their prayers," (Surat al-Maun: 5)
He says,
"O my father, are they people who do not pray?" Sa'd said: "No, if they leave prayer, then they have been disbelievers, but they are the ones who end (delay) it from the time. "(Hr Al-Bazzar 1145, and Thabarani in Al-Aushath 2276)
8. Give a warning
Use influential tools and weapons possessed by a woman to force her to regularly perform prayers, such as refusing to eat with her, sitting with her, and refusing to sleep in bed, and there is no prohibition to convey divorce if she does not keep praying
This prayer case is not a small matter but it is very important, concerned if you see your husband easily neglecting prayer.
This is the case of heaven and hell, and this is the case of God not willing to help us and our children, always neglecting prayer. Naudzubillahi mindzalik, may Allah facilitate the journey of our lives to His Hannah.
How To Jima' Or Intimate Relation Can Be Long Lasting
In a marriage, jima 'is one of the routines of husband and wife worship. Not infrequently, because of intimate relationships that are not optimal a husband and wife decide to separate (divorce).
So, having good quality in five 'is a must. One of the indicators of jima 'is said to be of high quality when each party (husband and wife) gets the peak of pleasure.
Generally, husbands often "go out" first. As a result the husband was weak and unable to continue intimate activities, which led to his wife's disappointment.
Scholars teach a number of tips and tricks that can be done by husbands to be able to last long and give satisfaction to the wife first.
1. Position of Husband Above
Before exploring with various possible variants of position, you should multiply the flight hours to be able to strengthen (when holding ejaculation) in a normal relationship position, namely the husband above and wife below.
2. In Prime Condition
The husband is not in a condition that runs out of energy due to hard work all day. Will do the maximum jima before or after the morning prayer. Which is where the husband has slept with sufficient duration at night.
3. Drink Vitamin C
Husbands and wives are encouraged to consume foods and drinks that contain vitamin C. You can also directly take vitamin C supplements which can be easily obtained at the nearest pharmacy or minimarket.
Vitamin C is one of the energy sources that can strengthen stamina. Actually, no special ingredients or drugs are needed to last long when they are in a row. 'God willing, with vitamin C alone is enough.
4. Increase flight hours
To be able to control the ejaculation process, it takes flight hours so that you can know the patterns and ways. Communicate this with your wife, that it takes a lot of practice to really master it well.
Position of Intimate Relationship between Husband and Wife According to Islam
"Your wives are (like) the land where you cultivate, so go to the land where you grow your crops as you wish" (Surat al-Baqarah: 223)
Once upon a time Umar bin Khattab was worried and complained to the Prophet. Umar bin Khattab complained that he had just come to see his wife from behind. At that time the Messenger of Allah was only silent until Allah SWT revealed the verse 223 of Al-Baqarah.
Imam Nawawi explained that in the verse it is permissible to fuck his wife from the front and back, with his face down or overtaking. It is not permissible to fuck your wife through the rectum because it is not a location for farming.
Position of Intimate Relationship between Husband and Wife According to the Best Islam
Then what is the best position of husband and wife relationship according to Islam?
In Zaadul Ma'ad, Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziyah explained that the best position is that the husband is above the wife.
According to Ibnul Qayyim Al Jauziyah, the position shows the husband's leadership towards his wife. As the word of God in verse 34 verse An-Nisa that reads
"Men are leaders for women" (QS. An Nisa ': 34)
and also in Surat Al-Baqarah verse 187
"They are clothes for you, and you are clothes for them" (QS. Al Baqarah: 187)
How Many Times Does the Intimate Relationship According to Islam?
In Islam, there is no limit to the number of times a week a husband and wife have to have intercourse. So, in this case a person can do it any time according to his circumstances and ability.
As said by Ibn Qudamah in Al Mughni (7: 30),
"Sexual relations must be carried out by the husband, that is, he has the obligation to fuck his wife as long as there is no udzur. As stated by Imam Malik. "
There is also a hadith from ‘Abdullah bin‘ Amr bin Al ‘Ash, he said that Rasullah sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam advised him,
"O Abdullah, can I get news from you that you are constantly fasting and also praying at night?" Abdullah bin Amr bin Al Ash replied, "Yes, O Messenger of Allah." He said, "Don't do it like that. You may fast, but there is time not to fast. You may pray at night, but there is a time to sleep. Remember, your body has the right, your eyes have rights, your wife also has the right that you must fulfill. Likewise your throat has rights. "(Narrated by Bukhari no. 1975).
Ibn Hajar also said,
"The scholars clash with each other, may the husband leave behind intercourse with his wife. Imam Malik was of the view, "If it doesn't make an emergency, the husband can be forced to have sex or they both must be separated." Imam Ahmad also argued that way. While the famous among the Syafi'iyah scholars, he is not obliged to have sex. Some are of the view that it is mandatory. Some Salaf scholars argue, every four nights, there must be sex. Other scholars view, every time sacred from menstruation, once sex. "(Idem)
If the husband travels or travels with the stated purpose or for other reasons that are permissible, then he should not leave his wife too long.
Adab in Doing Married Relationships in Islam
Husband and wife relations in Islam have aesthetic and ethical aspects that aim to provide physical satisfaction and soul pleasure. Here he is adab in making husband and wife relations in Islam.
1. Doing Foreplay
A husband should start a husband and wife relationship by joking, hugging and kissing his wife. There is a hadith which explains that there is a great reward for a husband who associates his wife well
"Whoever holds the wife's hand while seducing him, then Allah SWT, will write for him 1 kindness and merge 1 ugliness and raise 1 degree, When embracing, then Allah Swt, will write for him 10 goodness melts 10 ugliness and raises 10 degrees, When kissing, then Allah Swt, will write for him 20 goodness, merge 20 ugliness and lift 20 degrees, When intercourse with it, then it is better than the world and its contents "
Foreplay or can be called heating aims to create a positive communication between husband and wife. With sufficient and correct heating, the husband and wife relationship will be more pleasant and satisfying.
2. Decorate yourself
Husbands should clean their mouths so as not to cause unpleasant odors. A fragrant mouth will make a wife like love. Likewise the wives are required to decorate beautifying themselves and using perfume when they will meet her husband.
The Prophet Muhammad said
"The best woman is a woman who smells good and tastes good."
3. No Round Bare
In making a relationship husband and wife should not be naked. The Prophet Muhammad said
"If you engage in sexual intercourse with his wife, then do not be naked like his naked himar."
4. Perform Sunnah Prayers 2 Rakaat Previously
It is recommended to perform 2 rak'ah sunnah prayers before having a husband and wife relationship to get the mercy of Allah SWT and avoid the temptations of Satan.
5. Do Prayer Before
In addition to performing 2 rak'ah sunnah prayers, couples are also expected to read prayers so that they are kept away from shetan. The reading is as follows
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ اللَّهُمَّ جَنِّبْنِى الشَّيْطَانَ وَجَنِّبِ الشَّيْطَانَ مَا رَزَقْتَنَا
By chanting the name of Allah, O God, keep the shirk from me, and keep it away from what you will bless us (children, offspring).
6. Don't Connect When Your Wife Is Menstrual
In Islam, it is not permissible to make marital relations when the wife is menstruating even though some doctors say that having a relationship during menstruation.
It is prioritized to pay attention to aesthetic and ethical aspects when dealing with husband and wife by not forgetting the sensory aspects of the position in relationships and other techniques.
The right relationship between a husband and wife is a worship that will get a price from Allah SWT while an intimate relationship that is not true will get sin.
That was the position of the relationship between husband and wife according to true Islam and adab-adab in doing it. Hopefully useful for you.
14 Adab Wife Relationship in Islam
Married relationship or known as Jima 'is a form of worship in Islam. Worship is a form of obedience, love and deep affection, and as a form of giving obligations and rights to each other where between husband and wife have the right to earn a living and inner income. The heart of the mind is in the form of love and fulfillment of lust.
Husband and wife relations in Islam can be done at any time for the sake of happiness and bonding the relationship between husband and wife, in Islam there is a Shari'a to regulate various aspects of human life including procedures or adab in husband and wife relations. This custom certainly brings goodness and becomes a perfect way of worship between the two, here is the relationship between husband and wife in Islam:
1. In a Clean State
Islam is a clean religion, so God likes cleanliness, cleanliness is likened to something that becomes part of faith because of its virtue. "Islamic religion is a clean and holy religion, so you should maintain cleanliness". (HR Baihaqi).
The relationship between husband and wife in Islam is one of them is done in a clean condition, both clean in terms of place, clothes or clothes worn, as well as cleanliness of the body. Obligatory to clean yourself first before having a husband and wife relationship. In addition to the sunnah in Islam, a clean state will also provide comfort to the couple so that a more comfortable relationship can be achieved. Because it is very clear that the importance of cleanliness in Islam must be done.
2. Using Fragrances
"Four kinds among the Sunnah of the Apostles, namely affection, fragrance, berswakwak, and marriage". (Tirmidhi). Fragrances especially for women should only be used to attract the heart of their husbands, it is recommended to wear fragrances before intercourse so that deeper desires arise. Fragrances can be used on clothes or in beds. Even better if the fragrance is liked by the husband.
3. Dress up that is liked by a husband or wife
It is recommended that both husband and wife decorate in accordance with something that is liked by their partner, decorated with the aim to attract a partner who is lawful is one form of worship. "As good as your wife is, who is good at guarding herself and is good at raising her husband's lust." (HR Ad Dailami). Decorating in this case can be done by wearing attractive clothes that the couple likes, tidying their hair and body, also by doing body care before making a husband and wife relationship.
4. In a closed place
This is important. Of course, everyone already understands that the relationship between husband and wife whether it is intimacy or relationships in other forms, should not be done in public places or places where there are other people, because the genitals are not seen by people who are not mahram and manifestations of shame those who believe. "Shame is the whole good". (Muslim). Affection is enough to be enjoyed privately, not to be exhibited to others.
People who exhibit relationships, especially making out in public is one of the despicable actions that lead to riya and arrogance. In addition, such things become inappropriate in social life as well as in Islamic law. Unless the thing is done is not intended for riya, for example holding the wife's hand and bringing the body closer to the intention of protecting the wife from danger.
5. Pray
This is a recommendation from the Messenger of Allah because all matters that begin with prayer will be more blessed and protected from shaytan. "In the name of Allah, O Allah, keep us from shetan and protect us from shaytan so as not to interfere with what You are giving away (children) to us". (HR Bukhari and Muslim). This prayer is read by both parties (husband and wife) before having a husband and wife relationship.
6. Introduction
In intercourse it is not permissible to hurt a partner, a husband and wife relationship must begin with an introduction or make out first so that they feel more comfortable. "Do not one of you associate your wife like an animal. Let him first give an introduction ". (Tirmidhi). This is intended to increase closeness with a partner and prevent feeling uncomfortable.
7. Washing If You Want To Repeat
"If one of you comes to his wife then he wants to repeat it, then let him perform ablution". (Muslim). There is no limit for husband and wife in making jima relations, it may be repeated if you want to do ablution first so that the body returns clean.
8. Big Shower (Janabat)
Conducted after completion of the relationship between husband and wife. This is mandatory because it will prevent the legitimate prayer and other worship if it does not end with a large bath. "If you are junub, then purify". (QS Al Maidah: 6). how to take a big shower begins with reading the intentions and is obliged to wash the whole body with water.
9. Not Allowed to Refuse Her Husband's Desires
The relationship between husband and wife is a form of inner living that the husband has full rights over his wife. A wife is not allowed to refuse if the husband wants it. wife's law rejects the invitation of a husband to have intercourse in Islam, including a sin because God's blessing is on the husband's blessing.
"Your wife is like a place for farming for you, so go as you wish." (Surat al-Baqarah: 223) It is clear from the word of God that a husband has the right to go to his wife whenever he wishes.
In this case can be discussed by both partners when the right time to have a husband and wife relationship, of course as humans sometimes have a feeling of fatigue, but if both parties have a good communication relationship, of course, each other will understand the condition of their partners happily and comfortably. Everything remains back to Islamic law that a wife is indeed obliged to serve her husband.
10. Cannot Be Done When Your Wife Is Having Menstruation
One adab husband and wife relationship is not permissible when menstruating or during the puerperium period, this is called Allah in His Word, "You should distance yourself from women during menstruation and do not approach them before they are holy" (QS Al Baqarah: 222) . Menstrual blood and childbirth are dirty blood and there are still wounds in the womb of a woman, at risk of causing infection or disease to both the husband and wife.
11. Not Through Anal
Husband and wife relations also should not be done through the anus, the rectum is a dirty area which is a place to excrete, is very risky to hurt and cause illness for both husband and wife. . (Tirmidhi).
12. There Are No Limits
"Body relations must be carried out by the husband, that is, he has the obligation to fuck his wife as long as there is no udzur". (Ibn Qudamah in Al Mughni p. 30). It is permissible to have a husband and wife relationship according to the wishes of both, there is no limit because lust has become something lawful.
13. Get reward
Luckily for those of you who are married, besides getting happiness, as a way of continuing descent, you also get a very broad value of worship. Whatever is done by the husband and wife with the intention of worshiping because of Allah and the manifestation of obedience to the spouse, that's where you get the reward. Consider the following hadith, "Whoever holds the wife's hand while seducing her, then Allah SWT will write for her one kindness and merge 1 ugliness and raise 1 degree. When embracing, 10 goodness will be written for him and melt 10 ugliness and raise 1 degree. When kissing him, 20 goodness will be written for him and merge 20 ugliness and lift 20 degrees. And if it is intercourse with it, then it is better than the world and contents it. " (Muslim).
From the hadith it is clear that no matter how trivial the form of affection between husband and wife will get a reward from Allah. The relationship between husband and wife also includes acts of worship that are of high value in God's eyes. What a blessing from Allah as a manifestation of God's love for His servants who must be grateful. Hopefully it can be a motivation for the unmarried to immediately establish a relationship that is lawful in order to be able to prevent immoral acts and make the reward field.
14. Maintain confidentiality
Nothing is perfect including a partner, husband or wife is an ordinary human who certainly has flaws in him. as a husband and wife are obliged to maintain disgrace or maintain the confidentiality of each other. The relationship between husband and wife in Islam is one of them is to maintain confidentiality, is not allowed to defame or spread partner weaknesses to others.
This is prohibited by the Messenger of Allah in his words "Indeed, including humanity the worst position in the sight of Allah on Judgment Day is a man who associates his wife and then spreads the secrets of his bed". (HR Muslim no. 1437).
The relationship between husband and wife carried out with the intention of worship and obedience to the couple will both be equally happy. It is proper to run a worship service in accordance with the Shari'a or the rules that have been regulated in Islamic Shari'a. Hopefully, thank you.
The Law of Eating Food for the Rest of Others in Islam
On the previous occasion, we have briefly reviewed some of the ways of eating the Prophet, one of which is to spend the remaining food on a plate or tray where you eat.
Spending the rest of the food actually has its own philosophy of appreciating the blessings given by Allah SWT. Islam forbids his people from wasting the sustenance obtained.
And therefore, as Muslims we must respect every drop of water and every seed of food that is available by not wasting the food or drink and using it for a positive purpose.
The rewards that we give to food or drink are actually a form of our gratitude for God's favor.
Therefore in one of the narrations of the Prophet sallallaahu ahu alaihi wasallam always licked the leftover food stuck to the fingers of his hand. From Jabir bin ‘Abdillah he said that the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wasallam said,
"Don't sweep his hand with a napkin before he licks his finger. Because he doesn't know which food brings blessings. "(Narrated by Muslim)
Ash Syaukani rahimahullah said,
"Licking your fingers (after eating) is something that is recommended (recommended). The reason, as mentioned at the end of the hadith, is that the person who eats does not know where the baraka is in the food. The food served to people who eat is truly blessing.
However, it is not known whether the baraka is in the food eaten or the food left on the finger or on the bowl or on the feed that falls. Therefore, it is fitting for someone to pay attention to this teaching so that when eating can reach blessing.
Understanding baraka at its origin is increasing and staying good and getting pleasure from it. "
Meanwhile, Imam An Nawawi rahimahullah said that it was permissible to wipe his hand with a napkin, but that according to the sunnah (teachings of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) that is done after licking a finger.
Some of the arguments above refer to adab eating the food we take. What if we eat leftover food from other people?
Maybe we have all heard of the hadith which state that the remnants of the believers' food are medicine.
Some sources say that the hadith text actually states "The remnants of the believers' food heals." The scholars argue that the quality of the hadith is false.
The other hadith similar to the hadith above are the hadith narrated by Imam al-Daruquthni with sanad: Said bin Misykan - Ahmad bin Rauf - Suaid bin Nasr - Noah bin Abu Maryam - Ibn Juraij - Ata - Ibn Abbas - Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. This hadith says,
"Among polite attitudes is someone drinks the rest of his brother's drink. And whoever drinks the rest of his land expecting the face of Allah, then he will elevate seventy levels, seventy of his mistakes will be erased, and it will be recorded for him seventy virtues. "(Ibn al-Jauzi, Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti, Ibn Araq al-Kannani, al-Syaukani).
The problem is in the sanad there is a narrator named Nuh bin Abu Maryam known as a liar (Ibn al-Jauzi, Ibn Araq al-Kannani).
For this reason, the hadith is also a false hadith. The scholars argue that the hadith above has a different substance because it does not talk about medicine. The hadith only talks about the rest of the drink and politeness. So, it has nothing to do with the first hadith.
From the explanations of the scholars quoted from several sources it can be concluded that Islam does not regulate eating the remaining food of others.
The hadiths that are often heard among Muslims are actually false traditions so that they cannot be justified.
Thus a brief review of the law of eating leftovers from other people. Other articles that can be read include the law of disposing of food waste in Islam, the law denouncing food in Islam, the law of blowing food in Islam, the prohibition of blowing food in Islam, halal food, illicit drinks, liquor in Islam, due to eating illicit food and food unlawful according to Islam. May be useful. thanks.
Borrowing Money Laws at Banks According to Islam
Who has never borrowed money? Of course both people who are or people who are less materially borrowing money are normal and are naturally in accordance with human nature according to Islam or human concepts in Islam. Assets in Islam are also the most important part so that people can move, do charity, and carry out their life goals. Every human being who lives there sometimes needs a loan and needs to be helped to meet his needs. Needs can be primary, secondary, or tertiary.
Even among the upper class people, of course, they often borrow and borrow money that can be used for tertiary purposes or develop their business and capital. Even the lower classes can also borrow money to fulfill their primary needs, from food, health needs, education, or other household needs. For this reason it is necessary to help one another, and to avoid the arrogant nature of not caring (the arrogant nature of Islam is something that is hated by Allah SWT).
In Islam borrowing and borrowing (debt) is something that is not prohibited. Islam regulates it and even allows it, provided that it is not of usury and is contrary to the basics of Islam in the pillars of Islam and in harmony with faith. None of the rules of Islam harm or even plunge. For this reason, the benefits of believing in Allah SWT, to the details of economic issues, Islam regulates it. In this case the example is the problem of mawaris in Islam (family property) and bank interest according to Islam.
However, developments in this era are developing as well as discussions about the law of borrowing money through banks. Some opinions say that this is haram because it includes usury.
To be able to understand it, here are two conflicting opinions about the law of borrowing money at a bank.
Bank type
Before knowing the different opinions regarding the law of borrowing money at a bank, then of course it is necessary to know in advance the type of bank that exists. In general, Muslims divide it into two, namely Islamic banks and conventional banks.
Conventional Bank
Conventional banks are banks that in implementing their service systems use economic processes in general. Conventional banks generally use the interest system and prioritize profits. Determination of interest and other provisions are made when the agreement is made on a profit basis The percentage given is based on the amount of money or capital lent. The existence of bank interest, still has to be paid without seeing whether the customer is profit or loss. However, interest payments do not increase even if the amount of profit is multiplied (the interest is fixed).
Islamic Bank
Islamic banks are banks which in their application use rules or Islamic sharia. Islamic banks do not use interest as applied by conventional banks in general. The system of Islamic banks is a partner or cooperation while the amount is made at the time of the contract based on the possibility of profit and loss. If there is a loss, then the loss will be borne jointly by both parties. While the distribution of profits increases according to the increase in income.
The following is an explanation of the law of borrowing money at the bank:
Allowable Opinion to Borrow Money at Conventional Banks
According to Rasyid Ridha
Rasyid Ridho is one of the scholars who brought the spirit of Islamic renewal in the modern era. He expressed his opinion regarding the Bank's Interest in Conventional Banks. He said that the word Al-Ariba contained in QS Ali Imron verse 130 is usury or an addition that is doubled or adh'afan mudha'afah.
Usury in the period of the decline of the Koran is the advantage that is collected together with the amount of debt that contains elements of persecution and oppression, not just the excess or the increase in the amount of debt owed to the debtor.
According to M Quraish Shihab
Quraish Shihab is one of the scholars who supported the thoughts of Rashid Ridho. He said that bank interest in conventional banks was not the same as Riba. For this reason, he explained this in relation to the verse in the verse Al-Baqarah verse 278 along with the historical context when the verse came down.
The sociological background which is the cause of the decline in the verse on the prohibition of usury in the Koran is the behavior of the jahiliyyah people who multiply the return of the principal debt lent to debtors who are in dire need.
According to Umar Shihab
Prof. Dr. H. Umar Shihab in his book entitled Islamic Law and Thought Transformation explained that bank interest collected and given to customers was far smaller than the amount of interest or usury treated in the jahiliyyah period. Whereas, in the time of the Prophet Muhammad, the people who gave loans and collected usury got far greater profits because they had multiplied payments.
If seen in the present, we do not see the same thing, in fact, profits occur on both sides, between the borrower and the lender or the creditor and debtor. Therefore, bank interest cannot necessarily be forbidden because it is far different from what was practiced in the ignorance era. While Umar Shihab himself believes that bank interest is analogous to buying and selling based on liking.
From this, scholars who agree on the notion of usury, the meaning of usury, and the law of usury in Islam are associated with bank interest in the context of today, do not equate between usury and bank interest. Some other scholars also say that the existence of bank interest in conventional banks is a reasonable addition and indeed in accordance with applicable economic laws.
In General Opinion
We can see that the interest charged to customers also has functions for payment of services such as ATM cards, ATM machines wherever they are, other banking services, bank teller services, inflation that will never know when and when and other conditions which is without interest, the bank will lose money. And if there is inflation, of course our money will be safe because there are flowers that accompany our savings. This is a consequence of the development of technology, so the development of Islam in terms of the law will certainly follow it.
For this reason, according to some contemporary scholars, bank interest is not usury and borrowing from a bank is not prohibited and does not conflict with the function of Islamic religion. This shows that Islam and economic science are complementary and filling. Islam as a basis and economics as a development theory for application in a growing context.
Including the law of working in a conventional bank for Muslims is not prohibited, while there is no single work rule that violates the substance and basic principles of Islam. For example, not opening aurat, not committing fraud, not extorting, acts of injustice that harm many people, and so on according to Islamic law.
Opinions that do not allow borrowing money at conventional banks
The existence of differences of opinion or controversy regarding usury by the scholars is due to differences in understanding the purpose or illat contained in the verses of the Qur'an regarding usury and the problem of the danger of debt in Islam through conventional banks.
Classical Fiqh scholars with a method of understanding verses that tend to be textual and formalists understand that all additions in the economy (buying and selling) are imposed as usury. Whereas contemporary scholars regard it not as usury because it understands the substance approach and the things that make usury become illegitimate seen from its sociological context.
Here is one of the contents of Majma 'Al-Buhuts Al-Islami, in the second conference, held in Cairo, in 1965 which became a reference for scholars to determine the prohibition of borrowing money in Conventional Banks. "Interest from debt transactions, all are illegitimate usury. It makes no difference, both debt for consumer activities and debt for productive activities. Because the Qur'anic and Sunnah arguments, all expressly state the illegitimate of the two types of usury from the debt. "(Fawaidul Bunuk Hiyar Riba, p. 130)
From the opinion of classical scholars and also scholars who are oriented to the text method, then getting a money loan in a conventional bank is unlawful. Whereas anything done in a conventional bank without sharia considerations is haram.
17 Benefits of Water When breaking fast
Therefore, water is always discussed to be the best thing to release thirst and restore energy when breaking the fast in addition to eating sweet foods such as dates, water has an extraordinary content for anything including breaking fast, as follows, 17 benefits of water when breaking the fast.
1. Turning on Energy in Total
"And from water we make everything that lives. So why don't they also believe? "(Qur'an, 21:30). Each break the fast, for example there is no other food or drink, only with water will be able to restore the energy which during the day is reduced, water becomes the best choice and becomes the most nutritious and most beneficial substance for all organs as explained in verse Qur'an about water.
The water that is drunk when breaking the fast and drunk before meals is able to enter the organs of the body and fill the cells in it so that all organs feel fresh and the energy that has been lost again again, water is much better than other water which has certain contents such as water cold or soda-containing water and other ingredients, you should always prioritize water as the main drink ingredient when breaking fast.
2. Health of the Organs
Rasulullah SAW said, "Drink with 3 gulps" (HR. Tirmidzi). Water will make healthy organs of the human body when drunk when breaking fast compared to other drinks that may be different from the body such as ice or soda, of course the benefits will be better if taken in accordance with the advice of the Prophet, namely in one glass three times gulp, indirectly drink immediately because if taken immediately it will affect the work of the kidneys and stomach as the priority of drinking while sitting.
3. Promotes metabolism
The body's metabolism will be smooth when fasting starts with water, especially when taken with enough portions of 8 glasses a day and begins with praising Allah's asthma according to the healthy tips of the Prophet's style. "Verily Allah is pleased with a servant who enjoys food, then praises Allah afterward or sips a drink, then praises Allah afterward". (Muslim)
4. Eliminate Tiredness
Water can eliminate fatigue and thirst in the body especially during a day of fasting because water is able to quickly enter into the organs of the human body and fill cells in it with energy and in accordance with the healthy lifestyle of the Prophet Muhammad. "And we sent down from the sky a very clean water, so that we might bring to life the water (land) that died" (Surat al-Furqon: 48-50).
5. Clear the Mind
Good water is drunk under normal conditions, which is not in cold conditions because of the refrigerator cupboards and not too hot, normal white air is able to refresh and clear the mind because it is a neutralizing toxin throughout the body that makes the soul calm in Islam. Zaadul Ma’aad, "Water that is too hot or too cold is both destructive."
6. Prevent Pain
Water is good to drink in iftar and is able to prevent various diseases because white ait has a pure content, does not have a mixture or something harmful to the body. Rasulullah saw. said, "Zamzam five shuriba lahu", which means "Water zamzam will carry out the message and intention to drink it".
7. Prevent Obesity
Water consumed before eating at iftar will help prevent obesity because it is able to hold your appetite and must drink well using your right hand. "And if you want to drink, you should drink with your right hand. Surely the devil eats with his left hand and drinks with his left hand. "(Narrated by Muslim).
8. Advice from the Prophet
"Don't drink while standing. Whoever forgets so that he drinks while standing, then let him try to spit it out. "(Narrated by Ahmad no. 8135). It is recommended to drink water while sitting when breaking fast because it is in accordance with the conditions of the organs and can prevent choking and various other diseases.
9. Has Pure Content
"Indeed the Prophet sallalla‘ alaihi wa sallam forbade to breathe or blow a container of drinking water. "(Narrated by Turmudzi no. 1888 and Abu Dawud no. 3728, this hadith is shared by Al-Albani). We recommend that you always drink pure, clean water, that is water from clean wells or other clean sources and in ripe condition.
10. Good For Throat
"It is fresher, tastier and more delicious." Anas said, "Therefore when I drink, I breathe three times." (Narrated by Bukhari no. 45631 and Muslim no. 2028). Water will refresh the throat and soothe it because it is made from pure and does not contain preservatives or other artificial mixtures.
11. Eliminate dizziness
Dizziness sometimes occurs due to lack of fluids or lack of water when dawn, water will neutralize and eliminate dizziness. [QS An-Nur: 43] "You do not see that Allah marches clouds, then gathers between (the parts), then makes them overlap, then you see rain coming out of the cracks and Allah (also) decreases (granules granules of ice from the sky ".
Besides being dizzy when the month of Ramadan can occur due to many idling and not doing any activities so that the organs and blood circulation will not run smoothly when waking from sleep the head will be dizzy and other risks, the best is to keep doing healthy activities and drink water.
12. Strengthens the Body
Water will nourish and strengthen the body as the word of God because water is pure and God creates the best ingredients for the health of the human body. [QS. Al-Anfal: 11] "Remember, Allah sent down to you rain from heaven to purify you with that rain and remove from you the disturbances of shaitan and to strengthen your heart and to strengthen it with the soles of your feet".
13. Eliminating Disease
Water can eliminate disease when consumed with the right portion and the way it is in accordance with the portion and drink by using adab adab according to Islamic Shari'a. [QS. An-Nahl: 65] "And Allah sent down from the sky water (rain) and with the water He brought the earth to life after his death. Indeed, in that there are truly signs of the greatness of God for those who hear the lesson. "
14. Heart Health
The heart includes organs that can be healthy because water, water can neutralize toxins in the blood and reduce the work of the heart. [Surah Al-Mukminun: 18] "And We sent down water from heaven according to a measure; then We made the water settle on the earth, and indeed We truly had the power to eliminate it ".
15. Sleep well
[QS. Al-Mursalat: 27] "and We made him high mountains, and We gave you drink with fresh water". By drinking water when breaking your fast, your body will be fit and have the effect of giving you a good night's sleep so that the next morning you can do activities smoothly and suhour freshly.
16. Neutralizing Poison
White water is capable of being a poison neutralizer and is able to eliminate toxins by bringing toxins out of the body through sweat or urine, especially if you drink it when breaking fast before eating, your body will feel healthy and have smooth circulation and have a clean body throughout the organs .
[QS. Fathir: 12] "And there is not (between) two seas; this one is fresh, fresh, delicious to drink and the other is salty again bitter. And from each of those seas you can eat fresh meat and you can take out jewelry that you can wear, and on each of them you see ships sailing across the sea so that you can seek His gift and that you will be grateful ".
17. Balancing Body Nutrition
[QS. Al-Mulk: 4] "Who has created seven heavens in layers. You do not look at the Merciful creation of something that is not balanced. Then look again and again, do you see something that is not balanced.
Water will make the body balanced because with water when breaking fast the nutrients that enter can be absorbed properly and the nutrition is directed at the organs that are needed so that all organs have good quality and are prevented from any damage or any dangerous diseases.
Also read about the benefits of exercise during fasting and sunnah when breaking the fast. Thus this article, hopefully it is easy for you to understand it can become an Islamic discourse that is useful for you, don't forget to always take the time to read our article so that you always get useful insights. Thanks for reading. Warm greetings from the author.
Understanding Usury According to Islam
Every prohibition and rule of God in Islamic teachings is certainly not just to avoid acts that are personal in nature. The rules and prohibitions that God gives always affect individuals and social as evidence that there are many functions of faith in Allah SWT. For those who violate it, the loss is in themselves and also the impact on the people around them.
"O ye who believe, do not eat usury multiplied, and ask your trust in Allah that you may have good fortune." (Surah Ali-Imran: 130)
In Islamic teachings, what Allah conveyed through the above verse shows that usury is prohibited. In Islam, behavior and perpetrators of usury are acts of crime that Allah will curse both in his life in the world and in the hereafter. Usury is often related to bank interest or the addition of loan repayments. Included in this (wealth in Islam) usury is a regulated part of Islamic fiqh.
This is also conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad in a hadith, "the Messenger of Allah cursed (condemned) those who ate usury, people who represented him, the author and two witnesses." (Narrated by Muslim)
Of course, as Muslims we must fully understand what the understanding and substance of Riba is. The behavior of usury is certainly not only detrimental to humans in the hereafter, but burns the rewards that are collected for the Hereafter. In accordance with the concept of human beings in Islam, of course there are no humans who want to lose their lives both in the world and in the hereafter.
Understanding Usury According to Language and Historical Context
In terms of the language of usury means to increase, develop, rise, or rise. This term is certainly very related to a particular context, namely in the economy. The increase in usury is not just an increase that is normal in nature, but is related to the social context of the community as when the verse came down.
In the development of Islam now, the term usury is often associated with bank interest law according to Islam and the law of borrowing money at the bank with interest, even to the legal level of working in a bank, which is in a conventional bank and there is bank interest.
In the history and context relating to the verse, there are several things that are important to understand the nature or substance of the prohibition of usury and the law of usury in Islam.
Buy and Sell Context
This context is when the seller sells the item to another person and is willing to accept money at a specified time. If the buyer is unable to pay according to the price at the specified time, then the term is added with the agreement willing to pay more. That is, the buyer is asked to pay more than the agreed price, when the time increases.
Context of Borrowing and Borrowing Money
This context is where someone lends money to another person for a certain period of time. The condition is that if it reaches a certain period of time then the borrower must pay the money in addition. So that returns are greater than when borrowing.
Loan Context / Debt involved
This context is often referred to as multiple additions. For example, for example, a borrower cannot repay a loan within a specified time. Then he must pay the debt with an additional larger amount during the grace period until the debt is completed.
From the historical approach, the meaning of usury according to Islam means not only as an additional cost. Usury is the addition of payments to people who are in debt, in a condition where the debtor is unable to repay the debt according to the time and amount specified. Against the debtor who is unable to pay it off, then the lender adds back the cost to burden the payment from the debtor.
In this case there is not always an addition equal to Riba. For example, people who add infaq to people who are unable, add children, add production materials, zakat officers add zakat funds to those who hide merchandise, etc. Of course this is not the same as the addition as found in usury.
Social Impact of Usury Behavior
The existence of usury behavior not only affects the person or one person. The prohibition of God against humans to do usury certainly has logical reasons that have social consequences as well. To unlock the effects of usury behavior, it is necessary to dismantle it from the Islamic and scientific approaches. The following are the social impacts caused by usury behavior.
Loss of Sense of Humanity and Help
People who are in debt or people who cannot afford to repay loans are people who do not have enough money or not enough money for something that is used for the primary (food, drinking, education, health, etc.). People who help lend are certainly expected to be oriented to reduce the burden and certainly do not add to the weight of the debtor.
If the debtor adds additional costs to those who are in debt and cannot afford it, the behavior is certainly not a human thing. A person who fulfills his life needs is difficult then added with additional burdensome costs, for the benefit that is obtained personally by the lender.
In addition, this can also have an impact on the lack of healthy ukhuwah and association in Islam or fellow Muslims. It has become an assumption that Muslims are like one body, which should help help in kindness rather than complicate and ensnare in the dark.
Increased Economic Difficulties due to Debt Circles that have not Been Completed
As a result of usury, people who borrow money or are in debt will become increasingly entangled and will never be finished with their difficulties. How can he pay for additional or usury given if he only pays the primary difficulty. For this reason, the presence of usury does not even alleviate the burden, even more strangling people with existing additions, and making debts will not end.
In fact, we know for ourselves that the existence of debt is a burden on someone. For this reason, one of the recipients of zakat is people who are in debt and have difficulty paying for it. This is done in order to free them from the bondage of usury and get out of the problem, until they are free to carry out normal economic activities again.
So that of course people who have sufficient assets do not need to show their attitude. Riya in Islam is bad behavior and plunges into evil. Riya people will boast and far from keiklasan worship to Allah SWT.
Hatred and envy appear
Moral hatred and malice will arise over the behavior of usury charged to someone. If there are many people who bear the debt and additions, this certainly becomes a problem and social upheaval. There will be malice, hatred for inhuman behavior, which is applied by lenders.
Indeed the concept of man in Islam and human nature according to Islam is in the world to be able to prosper the earth not to ensnare one another in trouble. The existence of usury is certainly very contrary to the concept. The danger of usury is like the danger of lying and its law in Islam, and of course it will lead to finah in Islam (fellow Muslims).
Indeed, for Muslims, other Muslim difficulties are the responsibility or obligation of Muslims who are able to help them. Not the other way around, which actually adds to the burden and plunges into debt which continues to convolute. For that reason, it is only natural that God threatens hell fire for those who commit usury.
The Importance of Cultivating Concern and Sincerity
Increasing fees or fees for those who are in debt and cannot pay it is certainly the behavior of usury. As a form of prevention of usury behavior for those who are able and like to give debt, the solution is to build morale or behavior that leads to caring and sincerity in helping.
If someone has a sense of caring and sincerity helps, above his wealth, he will often provide assistance instead of being turned on from the difficulties of others. A caring person will never have the heart to make trouble and make others angry. Likewise with sincerity is being able to give up his help without expecting any return from the person who is assisted, but only expecting blessings and the reward that Allah gives. Of course that is the virtue of being fair to oneself, including to others.
By cultivating this moral, Muslims will be born with strong assets, strong souls, and willing to help and support those who are in trouble. They support the weak not only oppress and live in support by weak people.
4 The Wisdom of Faith in the End of Days in Everyday Life
For every believer, the final day is a belief that cannot be contested. This is included in the pillars of faith, as Muslims must also believe and practice the pillars of Islam. The last day is information given by Allah SWT to humanity, without information when it will be time. Every believer will believe in coming while those who do not have faith in Allah will reject it and consider it illogical. Of course, for Muslims who believe in the last day also need to know the complete information about the end of the day in the Koran.
In addition to the need to know the meaning and meaning of the end of the Qur'an, Muslims also need to know the wisdom about the end of the day. This is so that this information can become a daily appreciation of Muslims. Every thing that God commands to be believed certainly has benefits. Like the benefits of worship in the following matters,
Benefits of Takbir
Benefits of Tarawih Prayer
Benefits of Reading the Qur'an Every Day
Benefits of Judgment
Benefits of Tahajjud
Benefits of Asmaul Husna
Benefits of Greetings
Benefits of Interfaith Tolerance
Of course, even with the wisdom of the final day, there will be benefits that will be received by Muslims who practice it. The following is an explanation of the end day and the wisdom behind it.
Understanding the End Times
"They ask you about the Resurrection:" When will it happen? "Say:" Verily the knowledge of the end is on the side of my Lord; no one can explain the time of his arrival besides Him. Doomsday is very heavy (huru haranya for creatures) who in the sky and on earth. Doomsday will not come to you but suddenly. "They ask you as if you really know it. Say: "Verily the knowledge of the doomsday is with Allah, but most people do not know." (QS Al A'raf: 187)
In his verse, it is explained that the definition of the end of the day is a day where life in the entire universe ends, whereas when everything is destroyed, only Allah remains eternal and everything he wants. The final day is not only just the destruction of the universe, but there are stages of the next final day. Where all humans who have died and destroyed will be resurrected by being held accountable for all their deeds when in the world.
Regarding when the end of the day, of course, every human being will not be able to know it because everything is God's secret. This is to test humans as far as they can do worship and practice as well. Humans can only predict from the natural signs that exist but certainly when they occur there will never be anyone who knows accurately and surely.
Wisdom from the Faith in the End Times
Faith in the end is certainly not only believing but also can be applied in practice as a form of belief in it. It is not in vain of course those who believe in the last day. There will be wisdom for those who believe and try to take their meaning to be lived and become enlightened lives on every day. The following is the wisdom of faith in the last day.
Increasingly Faithful and Faithful to Allah
The person who believes in the last day, then he will be more faithful and devoted to Allah. Belief in God will surely have an impact on the conviction of the end of the day and vice versa. Allah is the one who creates and determines the end of the day, so it is only to Allah that we ask for protection when the end of the day occurs so that we can be saved towards happiness hereafter.
"Say:" It is Allah who brings you to life and turns you off, after that you gather you on the Day of Resurrection which has no doubt on him; but most people do not know. "(QS Al Jatsiyah 26)
Fear Appears Not Being Able to Account
"(Ie) those who fear the punishment of their Lord, while they do not see Him, and they fear (the coming of) the Day of Judgment". (QS Al Anbiya: 49)
People who believe in the final day will appear fear when doing something without having a right and rational basis. This is because when we face God directly when we have to take responsibility, it certainly cannot be done if since the world has never prepared it properly and our basic behavior is just careless. For this reason, faithful organizations on the last day will always do something with full accountability.
Steer clear of disobedience and bad deeds
"Say to My servants who have believed:" Let them establish prayer, spend a portion of the sustenance that we give to them secretly or openly before the day (doomsday) which in there is no buying and selling and friendship "( QS Ibrahim: 31)
Stealing away from immorality is a lesson that will be gained by those who believe in the last day. He will stay away from disobedience because he is afraid of the end and very heavy accountability later. For that, in doing it he will be careful and full of ripe calculations. Even he will not love the world too much, because what is in the world is essentially a test and a deposit that will be held accountable by God in the future.
Prepare Yourself with Professionals
"So they are not waiting for them but the Day of Judgment (ie) their sudden arrival, because the signs have come. So is it useful for them that their awareness is when the Doomsday has come? "(Surah Muhammad: 18)
The end of the day is sudden and unexpected, so a Muslim who has faith in the last day will truly be professionally prepared to face it. Professionally means seriously, there is an evaluation, always improving itself and also making continuous improvements to the life and worship that it lives. This is like an employee who works for his boss.
The Purpose of Human Creation, the Process of Human Creation, the Nature of Human Creation, the Concept of Humans in Islam, and the Nature of Humans According to Islam is the duty of humans to do it to Allah. For this reason, faith in the end of the day will make human beings best motivated to carry out their life missions according to the above matters by understanding the various Wisdom of Faith in the End Times.
In order to remain faithful to the Last Day
In order to have faith in the last day, a Muslim must always learn and understand this information in the Koran. People who do not believe at the end of the day, usually are those who have never experienced natural phenomena and what is conveyed in the Koran. Indeed, if they truly live it will truly be faithful and afraid of the last day. As in the following verse.
"Those who do not believe in the Day of Resurrection ask that the day be brought soon and those who believe feel afraid of them and they believe that the end is true (will happen). Know that those who argue about the end of the world are truly in distant error. "QS Ash-Shura: 18)
In order to remain faithful at the end of the day, the only way is to always dig up information about the end of various approaches. Information from the Koran, Science, Hadith, and other applied sciences will show that the final day will truly occur and can not be denied even though humans run to any planet.
"Those who reject their meeting with God have lost their lives. so that when the end of the world comes to them suddenly, they say: "How great is our remorse, for our negligence concerning the end of the world!", while they carry sins on their backs. Remember, it is very bad what they carry. " (QS Al An'Am: 31)
The trumpet is Jewish Culture
The trumpet is Jewish culture. But that is what the Muslims did on New Year's Eve, just following Jewish culture.
Don't believe?
Please reflect on the following hadith. From Abu ‘Umair bin Anas from his aunt who included Ansar shahabiyah,
عن أبى عمير بن أنس عن عمومة له من الأنصار قال اهتم النبى -صلى الله عليه وسلم- للصلاة كيف يجمع الناس لها فقيل له انصب راية عند حضور الصلاة فإذا رأوها آذن بعضهم بعضا فلم يعجبه ذلك قال فذكر له القنع - يعنى الشبور - وقال زياد شبور الْيَهُودِ فَلَمْ يُعْجِبْهُ ذَلِكَ وَقَالَ «هُوَ مِنْ أَمْرِ الْيَهُودِ». قَالَ فَذُكِرَ لَهُ النَّاقُوسُ فَقَالَ «هُوَ مِنْ أَمْرِ النَّصَارَى». فَانْصَرَفَ عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ زَيْدِ بْنِ عَبْدِ رَبِّهِ
"The Prophet thought about how to gather people to pray in congregation. There are some people who make proposals. The first one says, arkan Fly the flag when the prayer time arrives. If people see a flag flying, they will give each other the arrival time for prayer. But the Prophet did not approve it. The second person suggested using a trumpet. The Prophet did not agree, then he said, "Sounding the trumpet is the behavior of the Jews." The third person suggested using bells. The Prophet commented, "That is Christian behavior." After the incident, Abdullah bin Zaid bin Abdi Rabbihi went home. "(Narrated by Abu Daud no. 498. Sheikh Al Albani said that this hadith is saheeh)
From the above hadith shows that the trumpet is a Jewish tradition. Now that is what people who celebrate the new year follow. Jewish culture is followed.
Utilizing money to buy a new year trumpet including waste because it has channeled property not to goodness.
10 Characteristics of Infertile Wives Against Husbands According to Islam
Of course everyone wants to be able to foster a family that is sakinah, mawaddah, and warahmah, where there is harmony and happiness in the relationships that are established within the household, so that it is probable that their family will be lasting. One of the factors driving the creation of a harmonious family is the presence of a wife who always carries out her obligations as a wife, one of which is obeying her husband's orders.
The Prophet sallallaahu Alaihi Wassalam once said:
لَوْ كُنْتُ آمِرًا أَحَدًا أَنْ يَسْجُدَ لأَحَدٍ لأَمَرْتُ الْمَرْأَةَ أَنْ تَسْجُدَ لِزَوْجِهَا
It means "If I may order someone to prostrate to others, of course I would order a wife to prostrate to her husband." (Narrated by Tirmidzi)
However, many of the wives did not understand the importance of it, even whether they realized it or not they did things that disobeyed their husbands. These things include:
Disobedient to husband
The characteristics of the lawless wife's first husband is that the wife does not obey the husband's orders. A good and righteous wife is a wife who always obeys her husband under any circumstances. By obeying the husband, it will be able to foster a sense of love and affection and husband's loyalty to his wife. However, on the contrary, if the wife is not obedient to the husband, then it is likely that the feeling of affection, love, and loyalty of the husband will be lost.
Islam calls the actions of a wife who is not obedient to her husband as Nusyus, which means an attitude of defiance. That is, the wife who does Nusus is the wife who fights and violates the orders of the husband (disobeying the husband), and is not pleased with the position that Allah SWT has given him.
The Prophet sallallaahu Alaihi said:
قيل لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أي النساء خير قال التي تسره إذا نظر وتطيعه إذا أمر ولا تخالفه في نفسها ومالها بما يكره
"Once asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam," Who is the best woman? "He replied," That is the most pleasant when seen by her husband, obeying the husband if governed, and not sidelining the husband to himself and his property so as to make husbands hate. " (Narrated by An-Nasai and Ahmad)
In another hadith, He sallallaahu Alaihi said:
"If a woman always keeps praying five times a day, also fasts a month (in the month of Ramadan), and really keeps her genitals (from adultery) and truly obeys her husband, then it is said to women who have this noble character," Enter in heaven through whichever door you like. "(Narrated by Ahmad and Ibn Hibban)
From the two hadiths above we can know that a wife who is obedient to a husband is one of the characteristics of a good woman, and for a woman like that, then Allah SWT promises them a paradise. But in reality there are many women who do not understand the importance of obeying the husband's orders. Many reasons cause it such as social status and educational background owned by the wife is higher than the husband, and so forth.
There are so many actions that lead to disobedience of a wife to a husband, such as:
Get out of the house without permission from your husband
Words that hurt the husband
Open the husband's secrets to others
Spending husband's money excessively out of place
Betraying a husband, for example having an affair with another man
Negligent or unwilling to serve a husband, both openly and vaguely.
2. Demanding perfection in the household
Everything in this world is not perfect, including a household. Because perfection only belongs to Allah SWT. When a woman sees a film or by reading a novel that tells about the life of a household that she thinks is perfect, then she also wants to have the same thing.
And when he is married, chances are that he will be surprised and may not be able to accept the family life that he lived, where life is not the same as what he had dreamed before. Then he also demanded that the husband fulfill the needs he wanted without realizing that all things were not the same, each had their own advantages and disadvantages, including in a family.
3. To deny all forms of goodness that the husband does to him
Islam greatly glorifies a woman, even in Islam a mother has three times the right to be respected more than a father and heaven is under the sole of a mother's foot. But Rosulullah Sholallahu Alaihi Wassalam said that the majority of the inhabitants of hell were women. How can it be like that?
One of the causes of a woman being a resident of hell is because of her kufr for the blessings given by Allah SWT. In this case it is because they deny all the good that has been done by the husband to them.
For example, a husband always tries to do good to his wife, but his wife sees something that is not liked by her husband, so he also says that there is not the slightest good that he can see from her husband.
4. Do not like the husband's family
Marriage relations do not only aim to unite two men, namely men and women into legitimate relationships, but a marriage also aims to unite the two families. Love, affection, and respect for a husband will increase if his wife is able to put herself well in the husband's family.
However, sometimes a wife demands that her husband's attention and affection be addressed only to him, without realizing that the husband also has an obligation to serve his parents. This often leads to jealousy of the wife of the husband's family and attempts to keep the husband away from his family.
5. The loss of Qona'ah's sense and wife's approval of what was given by her husband
Sometimes, even though the husband has tried his best to be able to fulfill the wishes of his wife, but when that desire does not materialize, precisely what he did was deemed futile by his wife. Why? Because the wife assumes that the efforts made by the husband are lacking, even just considered playing games. He is unable to understand that everyone, including her husband, has limited ability to do something.
6. Leverage the good that is done
It is undeniable that everyone, including a wife, has done good, even though it is only a date palm. However, it will be a form of iniquity if a wife brings up the good that she has done to her husband or family, even assuming that the goodness done by her husband is not greater than the good he does. This certainly will hurt the feelings of the husband.
7. Excessive jealousy
The next characteristic of the lawless wife's husband lies in jealousy, which many wives don't realize. One of human nature, especially women, is jealousy. Jealousy is okay, as long as you have the basis and are still within the reasonable limits. A wife's jealousy towards her husband according to Islamic Shari'a is if the husband commit immorality such as adultery, tyrannizing his wife, reducing the rights of his wife, and so on.
Jealousy of a wife will be a form of iniquity towards the husband if jealousy does not have a basis in the form of facts or evidence and jealousy that is too excessive (jealous blind).
8. Lack or can not keep the husband's feelings
A good wife must always try to please her husband, such as showing a friendly face, not wry, and cool when the husband looks at him.
In addition, the wife must always take care of her actions and sayings so as not to hurt her husband, for example not berating, criticizing, saying loudly, and often cornering her husband. This will make the husband feel hurt.
9. Too busy with activities outside the home
There is nothing wrong if a wife has an activity outside the home, but every time she does the activity, the wife must get permission from her husband and must not ignore her duties and responsibilities at home.
10. Less or unable to maintain appearance
A wife must be able to maintain her appearance in front of her husband, not only when she is traveling outside the home. If a wife looks dirty, shabby, and smells when in front of her husband, then don't be surprised if over time the husband will not feel at home. But it is also a bad thing if a wife is too busy dressing up so she forgets her obligations as a wife.
Rights of Children Out of Marriage in Islam
Pregnancy out of wedlock and child rights issues outside of marriage in Islam, in this case there are several incidents which each have different laws, along with a full explanation to understand what are the Rights of Children Outside of Marriage in Islam.
1. First Event
If a woman commits adultery and does not understand the retribution of adultery in Islam then becomes pregnant, then a child out of wedlock who is born is a child outside of adultery with the agreement of the scholars. A child out of wedlock is denied to his mother and is not kept against a man who abuses his mother (his adultery father). Strictly speaking, the relationship of rights between a child out of wedlock and his father is cut off.
Likewise with the law of inheritance broken with his father in accordance with the method of inheritance in Islam, he only inherited his mother and his mother inherited it. Likewise the right of guardianship if a child out of wedlock is disconnected from her father. The guardian of the marriage is the sultan (ruler) or his representative like qadhi (the head). And it is not mandatory for his father to provide a child out of wedlock born from the results of adultery.
However, the relationship as mahram and communication to achieve wisdom in the relationship in Islam still exists uninterrupted even though the relationship of rights, inheritance, inheritance, livelihood is cut off. Because, after all, a child out of wedlock is a child out of wedlock, which is created from the semen even from the results of adultery. Therefore it is unlawful for him to marry a child outside of his wife's marriage from the result of adultery as unlawful as a child out of wedlock whose woman was born from a legitimate marriage.
2. Second Event
If there is an oath of li'aan between husband and wife for example when the divorce law is unregistered. As explained (ie about how a child out of wedlock is male or female and similar to his parents in the womb,), then a child out of wedlock is denied to his mother. Likewise about inheritance law and livelihood and inheritance rights.
3. Third event
If a wife commits adultery which is a characteristic of a woman who is difficult to enter heaven. If an adulterous wife is well known to her husband or not then she is pregnant, then a child out of wedlock who was born was prevented from her husband, not to men who menzinai and impregnate her with the agreement of the scholars based on the words of the noble Prophet
A child out of wedlock is the right (male) who has a bed and for those who commit adultery do not have any rights (for a child out of wedlock). [Saheeh hadiths from Bukhari (no. 6749) and Muslim (4/171).
The purpose of the words of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam above is that a child out of wedlock belongs to a legitimate husband even though it is born from the proceeds of adultery of his wife with another (male) person. Still, a child out of wedlock belongs to him and is prevented from him. Whereas for men who insult their wives they do not have any rights to a child out of wedlock.
The above events outside Li'aan's law and the difference are: if the husband's li'aan law accuses his wife of adultery or denying a child out of wedlock that his wife conceived before the judge so that it is carried out outside of the oath of li'aan. In the case of this li'aan, a child out of wedlock is denied to his wife both the accusation of the husband is true or false. Whereas in the case above, there is no li'aan oath, even though the husband knows that his wife has committed adultery with another man. This is because the husband did not report his accusations to the judge so that he could not be carried out outside of the oath of li'aan. [8]
4. Fourth event
If a woman commits adultery and then becomes pregnant, may she be married to a man who impregnates her and to whom a child is kept out of wedlock? He replied: May he be married to a man who insulted him and impregnated him with an agreement (ijma) by fatwa experts, as confirmed by Imam Ibn 'Abdil Bar quoted by al Hafizh Ibn Hajar in his book Fat hul Baari (juz 9 p. 157 in the book section marriage chapter: 24, hadith: 5105) [9].
The Story of the Rights of Children Outside Marriage in the Period of the Prophet
1. First: Fatwa of Abu Bakr Ash Shidiq
Ibn Umar said: When Abu Bakr Ash Siddiq was in the mosque a man suddenly arrived, then Abu Bakr said to Umar, "Stand up and pay attention to his affairs because in fact he has an (important) affair." Then Umar stood up to him, then the man explained his business to Umar, "Actually I was a guest, then he committed adultery with a child outside of my daughter's marriage !?" Then Umar hit the man's chest and said, "May Allah make you worse! Don't you just close (the secret of adultery) to a child outside the woman's marriage! "
Then Abu Bakr ordered that a marriage be carried out so that the law would be carried out (beaten a hundred times) against both (male and female adultery). Then he married the two then he ordered that they be exiled for one year. [Narrated by Imam Ibn Hazm in his book Al Muhalla juz 9 p. 476 and Imam Baihaqiy in his book Sunanul Kubra (juz 8 p. 223) from the path of Ibn Umar]. [10]
2. Second: Fatwa of Umar bin Khattab
Abu Bakr's fatwa at the same time became the fatwa of Umar and even the fatwas of the Companions. This was due to the fact that the fatwa and Abu Bakr's decision occurred in the presence of the Companions or known by them, especially ‘Umar. And all the silent Friends agreed and none of them denied the fatwa. All of this shows that there has been an ijma among the Sahaba that women who commit adultery and then become pregnant may even have to marry a man who insulted her and impregnated her. Therefore we see the Companions acting as above, among them Umar bin Khattab when he became caliph as the history below:
Abu Yazid al Makkiy said, "That there is a man married to a woman. And the woman has a child out of wedlock a girl who is not (a child out of wedlock) from a man (who has just married her) and that man also has a child out of wedlock who is not (a child out of wedlock ) from these women, (ie each of them brought a child out of wedlock, a man who brought a child out of wedlock to a man and woman carrying a child out of wedlock).
Then the young man and a child out of wedlock the girl commits adultery so that she appears to the girl's pregnancy. So when Umar came to Mecca, the incident was presented to him. Then Umar asked both of them and both of them acknowledged (had committed adultery). Then Umar ordered to whack both of them (carried out law had). Umar was eager to gather between the two (in one marriage) but a young child out of wedlock did not want to. "[Issued by Imam Baihaqiy (7/155) with authentic sanad].
3. Third: Fatwa of Abdullah bin Masud:
From Hammaam bin Harits bin Qais bin Amr An Nakha'i Al Kufiy: "A man who committed adultery with a woman then the man wanted to marry the woman?" Ibn Mas'ud replied, "Why is that not so." [Issued by Imam Baihaqiy (7/156) in mu'allaq with authentic sanad on Muslim terms]
From ‘Alqamah bin Qais (he said): Indeed a man has come to Ibn Mas'ud. Then the man asked, "A man commits adultery with a woman then both repent and do good deeds, is it permissible for the man to marry the woman?" Then Ibn Masud read this verse:
Then really your Rabb to those who do evil with ignorance, then after that they repent and they do good, in fact your Rabb after that is Forgiving (and) Most Merciful. [An Nahl: 119]
Said Alqamah bin Qais, "Then Ibn Mas'ud repeated the verse many times until the person asking was convinced that Ibn Mas'ud had given relief in this matter (ie he allowed it)." Issued by Imam Baihaqiy (7/156) . Then Imam Baihaqiy (7/156) also narrated from another road which is similar to the history above, but in this history Ibn Mas'ud reads the verse: [14]
And He is (Allah) who accepts repentance from the servants of His servants and forgives of mistakes (theirs) and He knows what you do. [Ash Shuura: 25]. [15] In some of these narrations there are additions: After Ibn Masud read the verse above he said, "Let him marry her!"
4. Fourth: Ibn Umar's fatwa
Ibn Umar was once asked about a man who committed adultery with a woman, could he marry him? Ibn Umar replied, "If both repent and both do good (ie do good deeds)". [Issued by Imam Ibn Hazm at Al Muhalla juz 9 p. 475].
Thus, what the author can say, hopefully to be a useful Islamic insight, see you in the next article, thank you.
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