Selasa, 08 Mei 2018

Benefits of conch

Professor of the Faculty of Nutrition Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) also explained that the protein content of snail fields reached 12 percent per 100 grams, while for beef reached 18 percent per 100 grams. So obviously for protein problems, beef is still higher. Cow iron is still higher.

Prof. Hardinsyah also asserted snail fields or tutut legitimate just be used as a variety of food. But back again, people's tastes can vary greatly.

The Cause of Dizziness After Waking Up

▶ ️Blood Sugar Down.
When blood sugar decreases, we may experience dizziness or headaches. Sleeping for 8 hours without sugar intake, in general will make our blood sugar decreased. Diabetics may experience headaches during the night or when just getting up because of the blood sugar condition is not stable.
▶ ️Wrong Sleeping Position.
Headaches can also be caused by musculoskeletal disorders, a condition that disrupts joint function, ligaments, muscles, nerves and tendons, as well as the spine. The wrong sleeping position can be the cause. So make sure you get a comfortable sleeping position to avoid this headache.
▶ ️Breathing Problems.
One possible cause of headache after awakening is sleep apnea. This is a sleep disorder that interferes with one's breathing during sleep. Respiratory disorders experienced during sleep can cause headaches in the morning when you wake up.

Benefits of Cold Water Shower

"James Bond Shower," will help you burn fat with cold water temperatures. The human body consists of two types of fat, white fat and brown fat. White fat is an unwanted fat that accumulates when you overeat and supplies the body with more calories than is needed. Body that can not burn the excess calories will become more stretched.
Chocolate fat itself is a good fat that produces heat to keep our body warm. When you feel cold, this fat activity will increase. Therefore a cold bath will help increase the activity of brown fat that will burn fat when you shower.
Chocolate fat will produce heat in the body. When you take a cold shower the tissue in brown fat will activate and produce heat. The heat accelerates the body's metabolism and helps burn off white fat in the body.
Studies have also found that exposure to cold temperatures will help activate brown fat up to 15-fold. This means if you take a shower with cold water every day will be able to lose weight up to 5 kg every year.

Don't Delay Urinating

👉Infections of the urinary tract.
Urinary tract infection or called UTI is one of the health problems caused by infection in the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections can be very painful. You will feel often want to urinate, but also feel the pain in the urethra. Some other symptoms are the presence of blood in the urine and burning sensation when urinating.
👉Infections of the bladder.
Dr Chamandeep Bali from the Toronto Naturophatic Health Clinic reveals that the longer you hold the urine, the bladder will become more potential to become a breeding ground for bacteria. This can lead to infections that spread to the kidneys and cause greater problems in the body.
👉Disabled urination.
This problem is more commonly known as Lower Urinary Tract Symptomps (LUTS). Usually this happens when you start unable to control your bladder and urinary tract. Poor coordination between the bladder muscle and the urethra makes a person trouble while urinating. Some of them you can wet, do not urinate until complete, and the quality of sex is decreased.

Differentiating Menstrual Pain

We tend to diagnose a disease based on the symptoms we feel. But for women, there is one condition that is difficult to diagnose based on the symptoms of endometriosis disease. Therefore, the pain caused by this disease is almost the same as the usual menstrual pain.
According to the alerts article from, Dr Anagha Karkhanis, a gynecologist from Cocoon Fertility, Thane explains how to tell the difference.
"During menstruation, usually you will experience abdominal pain at the bottom which usually will subside within 1-2 days.But if you suffer from endometriosis, the pain will appear deeper because the enometrium cells in the intestine, rectum, bladder , or the pelvic cavity begins to bleed when you have menstruation, so when this microscopic bleeding occurs, you will experience extreme pain, "he explained.
"Not only that, the pain of endometriosis begins 1 week before menstruation in the lower abdomen because the endometriosis in the pelvic cavity can cause scarring or adhesion (tissue connected to other organs)."
Still according to Dr. Anagha's statement, the pain of endometriosis will also appear when you intercourse or even just appear on one side of the stomach, which will not happen when you have regular menstruation.
So, do you often experience pain above? Immediately check to see what the real cause is.

Wound Healing Process

The process of wound healing takes time varying, depending on the severity of the wound, the location of the wound, the treatment during the healing period, and the general condition of your body. Wound healing can last for 3 weeks. However, in severe injuries it takes longer time even years, plus if the patient has certain diseases such as diabetes, blood clotting disorders and other diseases that cause injury difficult to improve. The location of the wound on an area whose blood flow is slightly as in the foot also requires a longer healing time than the wound on the hand.
During wound care it is important to note the following:
1. Keep the wound clean and dry.
2.When the wound is still covered bandages, keep the bandage dry and clean, if dirty or wet immediately replace with a new bandage.
3. Avoid scratching or touching the wound area too often.
4. Make sure your hands are always clean by washing them before and after touching the wound.
5.If you have an allergy to a certain material avoid exposure.
6.Avoid the emphasis in the area that is injured, especially on the feet use a soft and comfortable footwear.
7.Make the intake of nutritious foods, the main consumption of foods containing lots of protein such as eggs, fish, soybeans and sports, etc. for the wound healing process runs optimally.
7. Avoid consumption of foods that trigger allergic reactions.
9. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
10.Stop smoking when smoking.
11. Avoid alcohol consumption1
12. Manage stress.
May be useful.

Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media

Congenital disease or in medical terms is also called chronic suppurative otitis media is a chronic infectious disease in the middle ear. The disease is also marked with perforated eardrum of the sufferer. This disease is not caused by food and drink factors.
So the sufferer has no special restriction for their food. But when the disease is relapse then you should avoid cold foods and make allergies for disease does not get worse. The most common symptom is the discharge of fluid-like / thick smelling from the inside of the ear. It is usually preceded by flu or colds and other upper respiratory infections. The most common cause is the entry of fluid / secretions from the nose to the middle ear when the flu / flu occur. The fluid enters through the nasal-ear-throat lobe called tuba eustachius and is trapped in the middle ear causing infection in the middle ear. If the infection gets worse without treatment then the patient will complain of illness and can cause rupture of the eardrum due to the infection. If the eardrum ruptures then the liquid will come out through the ear. The problem is a ruptured eardrum is difficult to cover / recover completely. In a small rupture and a good treatment without the occurrence of a kumatan then the eardrum can close perfectly. Congestive treatment is by administering oral antibiotics and drops so that the ear canal is dry. While this healing process is very preventing role for healing and repair of the eardrum.

Senin, 07 Mei 2018

The Illness That Came for the Idlers

When you stand for 1 minute, then 1 calorie will burn. So if you stand for an hour, 60 calories will disappear. Well, if you replace the activity of standing by sitting, then you can imagine that the calories in your body will accumulate and put you at high risk for exposure to obesity.
Rising cholesterol.
When your body is fat due to the frequency of sitting, then LDL or bad cholesterol in the body increases and arises insulin resistance. This results in increased cholesterol and blood sugar in the body.
Increased cancer risk.
Did you know that sitting for 2 hours per day can increase your risk of colon cancer by 8%? Also, the risk of endometrial cancer can increase by 66% in those who often spend time just sitting.

Breast Pain Before Menstruation

approximately one week before the menstrual period, the body will produce large amounts of estrogen and progesterone. This condition then causes a number of symptoms that make the body feel sick all, including breast pain.
In the days leading up to menstruation, the body will store a lot of water, which also causes the "swelling" in some parts of the body, including the breast. The buildup of fluid will also force the breast tissue to widen, and expand the nerves, causing pain and pain in the breast.
One way to reduce the intensity of the pain is to limit the consumption of salt. Reducing salt intake is also very influential to reduce pain. How come? Because the nature of salt that binds water can make the body store more water, so if excessive salt intake then the feeling of breast pain felt more severe.
Usually the pain and pain will decrease slowly when it entered the menstrual period. Make sure you choose the right bra to be able to support the breasts well and the pain is not getting worse.

Men's Unwelcome Characteristics

Sometimes, the man we love does something that can make us angry or even cranky. One of them is to glance at another woman. Especially if the he did it openly in front of our eyes. Well, here are five man behavior that can make a woman angry and upset. Let's see together!
👉Short another woman.
When you are chatting or walking with you, the he is even glancing at other women? This can make women angry and upset. Especially if he did it openly.
👉Comparing with the former.
Anyone would feel annoyed, if must be compared with the former. It certainly can make women feel upset with men. Especially if that compared the beauty of his face or the elegance of his body.
👉Always busy with hobbies.
Men often forget the time when they are struggling with their hobbies. As a result, women feel neglected and unnoticed. Therefore, women often sulk when men have started "crazy" with his hobby.
👉Too busy with gadgets.
This is the most annoying thing a man does when he is with a woman. She's even more interested in paying attention to her gadgets than looking into her lover's eyes. Remember, most women hate being ignored!
👉Do not take the initiative.
Women always hope that men can read their minds. That's why women expect men to take the initiative to do something for him, without being asked before. But unfortunately, men are sometimes lazy to take the initiative and prefer to wait.


Research related behavior of nagging wife
Healthline launched a study conducted by the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project related to the relationship of gender and health quality. In this study 1,228 married couples who have been married for 5 years were collected to document health problems. From this study, as many as 389 respondents aged 57-85 years experienced diabetes even though the marriage was fine.

Other facts related to the health of husband and wife were also revealed by Dr. Hui Liu from Michigan State University. According to the doctor the unhappy households cause men to avoid diabetes. The unhappiness of men in this study occurs because the wife is too talkative with many things.

The good impact of the nagging wife
Actually, a nagging wife actually makes a husband so healthy and pay attention to many things including his health. When the husband will eat carelessly at the fast food outlets, the wife will remind. Furthermore, when the husband is lazy, the wife will ask him to exercise every day.

The impact of over-regulated meals and forced exercise makes husbands healthier. Although forced, men will still eat healthy and exercise regularly. Unwittingly, her body becomes so healthy that dangerous diseases such as diabetes can be avoided.


here are some daily habits that can make your lips dry.
1. The first habit that can make your lips dry is to drink too much coffee or tea. The reason caffeinated drinks can cause dehydration and end with lips so cracked.
2.In addition to caffeinated beverages, snack foods like high salt can also make the lips so dry. Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep up.
3. Of course, the habit of not drinking enough water can make the lips dry. You always carry a bottle of drinking water wherever you go.
4.You often lick your lips when you're nervous? Stop this bad habit. Because it can lead to dry lips.
5. Finally, do not forget to always moisturize the lips with lip balm. Especially when you're outdoors. This method is effective to prevent dry lips.

Sabtu, 05 Mei 2018

Tips For Breast Shaped Beautiful

Tips for breast shaped beautiful:
1.The massage of the breast regularly can improve the elasticity of your breasts. In addition, this massage is also able to moisturize and soften the breasts. Use olive oil to massage your breasts.

2. Always use a bra with the right size to support the breasts to the maximum.

3. Some exercises can help to tighten breasts like push ups, squats, and cheat press. Do this movement 1-3 sets with 8-6 reps.

4. Apply moisturizer in the breast to moisturize your breast skin.

5. Once in a week, you can also use a breast mask that is able to moisturize and soften your skin. You can make a breast mask made of cucumber, egg whites, and cream.
Breasts are a valuable asset for women. Beauty and health must be for you guard. So apply the above healthy tips to maintain health and beauty of the breast.

a Boost in the Morning


a boost in the morning

If you want to get rid of caffeine addiction but still want to get excited in the morning, you can try the following healthy drinks.
▶ ️Smoothie banana.
Bananas contain natural sugars like glucose and fructose that can give you an injection of energy in the morning. In addition to made smoothie, you can also consume it directly.
▶ ️Smoothie apple.
Just like bananas, apples also contain natural sugars like fructose that give the same effect as bananas.
▶ ️The coconut water.
Natural coconut water contains electrolytes that will also make you more energetic.
▶ ️Probiotics.
Drinks based on probiotic bacteria are not only good for supporting digestive health, but also can make you more energetic.
▶ ️In drinking water.
No doubt if drinking water has so many healthy benefits. Drinking water is a natural way to make your body energized.

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