The three main risk factors that are interrelated as causes of non-communicable diseases such as heart and stroke are smoking habits, lack of physical activity and unbalanced eating continue to increase. Ironically, most women worry more about the dangers of heart disease than their husbands or partners. In fact, maintaining heart health is very easy to do. Even the smallest lifestyle changes can improve your quality of life and reduce the risk of heart attack by 50 percent.
Here are the things you can do:
Sunlight contains vitamin D which can minimize plaque formation in blood vessels. Research at the University of California shows that women with high vitamin D levels have a 31 percent lower risk of heart disease. Bask in the morning before 10:00 for 20-30 minutes.
Consumption of chocolate
This one food is often avoided because it can cause obesity. But make no mistake, the benefits are also many. You just need to be smart in choosing it. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids and magnesium which can reduce bad cholesterol levels. In addition, there is also the content of stearic acid, which is one of the friendly fats for the heart and antioxidants that can block free radicals from damaging the artery walls. Make sure the chocolate you consume contains 70 percent cocoa to get its benefits.
The heart is a muscle that needs to be trained regularly to stay in top condition.
Exercise such as brisk walking, swimming, jogging or cycling can provide the best exercise for your heart. The New England Journal of Medicine study says that by walking lightly for 2.5 hours a week, you can cut one-third the risk of heart attack and stroke. This activity can also increase good cholesterol levels in the blood. Consult with a doctor before you start exercising. You can also follow the traditional Chinese medicine system. According to this treatment, cardio exercise is not the only way to improve heart health. Slow motion can also have the same effect. When your body forms a position and feels relaxed, you stimulate the connective tissue that energy passes through so that the organ can function optimally.
Consumption of seafood
Foods that come from the sea can 'lubricate' your heart because they contain omega 3 fatty acids which can reduce the risk of cardiac arrhythmias, bad cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and blood clots.
Quit smoking
Cigarettes contain more than 600 chemicals that can damage cells in the arteries. This can trigger inflammation which can cause increased cholesterol in the heart. The good news, a year after you stop smoking, the risk of heart disease decreases by 50 percent.
Laugh at
Laughing, you reduce stress hormones that are known to damage the protective lining of blood vessels. When you are stressed, the heart receives adrenaline in greater doses. This can cause abnormal heart rhythms and increase platelet stickiness which ultimately results in narrowing of the arteries. The hormone released when someone is depressed can also affect heart health. Therefore, depressed patients should get treatment as soon as possible.
Don't forget teeth
According to a study conducted by Sidney Dental Hospital in 2006, bacteria
can enter blood vessels from unhealthy gums. This can cause inflammation which damages the arterial lining. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and visit your dentist regularly.
Get enough sleep
People who sleep less than five hours a night tend to experience a buildup of calcium minerals in the heart's blood vessels which can one day rupture and cause heart attacks and strokes. The results of The Journal of the American Medical Association in 495 adults showed that the number of people experiencing arterial calcification could be reduced by 1 in 10 by adding
extra hours of sleep. The ideal sleep time is 6-7 hours a day.
Don't bleak heartache
A joint study from San Diego State University and the University of Pittsburgh proved that a very satisfying married life can reduce heart attack factors. Research conducted on 493 women aged between 42-50 years observed time together, communication, sexual life, hobbies, characters and others. The same thing was mentioned in the book Heartbreak & Heart Disease written by Dr. Stephen T. Sinatra. In the book it is said that inner stress caused by emotions that are held from heartbreak, too sad, to hostility and anger, can result in a blocked heart aorta whose effects are similar to cholesterol oxidation, metal poisoning, insulin, radiation and thickened blood and sticky.
The current pattern of people's lives is a high risk factor for the threat of a heart attack. In fact, the disease not only lurks parents, but also young people who are in productive age.
Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2017, in Indonesia, coronary heart disease is the highest cause of death at all ages after stroke with a percentage of 15.45%. Referring to the Economics of Non-Communicable Diseases in Indonesia report, it is known that the disease starts attacking the younger generation in the range of 15 to 45 years, which is the productive age.
Then how can the younger generation avoid the threat of heart disease? Check out a few tips below:
1. Nutrition is the key
Maintaining a nutritious diet is one key to avoiding the risk of heart disease. What simple diet can you apply?
Breakfast of oatmeal
Wheat contains beta-glucan or fiber which can reduce bad cholesterol, the cause of heart disease. According to nutritionist Dr. Sarah Schenker of the British Dietetic Association, you need 3 grams of beta-glucan per day, equivalent to a bowl of porridge (average size). By eating a bowl of oatmeat every morning, you can reduce cholesterol levels in the body by as much as 5 to 10 percent, compared to if you don't consume them at all.
Eat a bowl of yogurt
About 80 percent of the immunity of the human body is in its digestion. If digestion is healthy, you can be sure you are not susceptible to disease, including the heart. Well, to have a healthy digestion, you need good bacteria or probiotics. This bacterium can be obtained from milk and derivative products such as yogurt.
Reducing sugar consumption
The fact that sugar is not as sweet as it feels isn't new in the world of health. After all, sugar is one of the foods that is alleged to be a big contributor to high blood pressure. Dr. James DiNicolantonio, cardiovascular research scientist at St. Luke's Mid America Heart Institute, said, "Encouraging people to say no to sugar, not salt, might be a better diet strategy to control blood pressure."
2. Exercise 30 minutes every day
Physical activity can help control weight and reduce the chance to develop other conditions that can put pressure on the heart, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
In general, you should do light exercise, such as walking at high speed, for about 30 minutes on almost every day of the week. Exercising for just 10 minutes every day is enough to provide great benefits for the heart.
3. Avoid smoking
Smoking is one of the most significant risk factors for developing heart disease. Chemicals in tobacco can damage the heart and blood vessels, causing narrowing of the arteries due to plaque buildup (atherosclerosis) and eventually can cause a heart attack. Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke replaces oxygen in the blood.
This increases blood pressure and heart rate by forcing the heart to work harder to supply oxygen. Women who smoke and take birth control pills are at greater risk of heart attack or stroke than those who do not smoke or take birth control pills. Because, both can increase the risk of blood clots.
4. Quality sleep
Sleep deprivation not only makes you yawn throughout the day, but also endangers health. People who lack sleep have a higher risk of obesity, high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes and depression. Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each night. One sign that you are getting enough sleep is that you wake up without an alarm and feel refreshed. However, if you need a struggle to get out of bed, that's a sign you need more sleep.
You who often sleep with the lights on should start to reduce the habit. Based on research by Joan Roberts, a biologist, there is a connection between lights and health. According to him, the light (including the emission from the television screen) can cause a decrease in the levels of the hormone melatonin in the body.
Melatonin is a hormone that functions as an antioxidant and controls sleep. This hormone also causes you to become sleepy at night and make sleep sound. Decreased melatonin levels will have an impact on decreasing the body's resistance, so that the body becomes weak and susceptible to diseases, including heart disease.
Then what if you can't sleep calmly with the lights on? If so, you can use a mask or eye patch during sleepless nights.
5. Maintain a healthy weight
Being overweight can cause conditions that increase the chances of heart disease — including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Metabolic syndrome - a combination of fat around the abdomen, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high triglycerides, - also increases the risk of heart disease.
One way to see if your weight is healthy is to calculate your body mass index (BMI). This is what takes into account height and weight in determining whether you have a healthy or unhealthy percentage of body fat. A BMI of 25 and higher, generally associated with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Waist circumference can also be a useful tool for measuring how much belly fat you have.
Men are generally considered to be overweight if their waist size is greater than 101.6 centimeters. Women are generally overweight if their waist size is greater than 88.9 centimeters.
6. Manage stress
Some people deal with stress in unhealthy ways, such as overeating, drinking or smoking. Finding alternative ways to manage stress, such as physical activity, relaxation exercises or meditation, can help improve your health.
7. Perform regular health checks
High blood pressure, Diabetes Mellitus and high cholesterol can damage your heart and blood vessels. But without a test, you might not know if you have this condition. Do mapping to monitor your health.
From the seven tips above, avoiding heart disease is actually not a difficult thing, right? You just need to live a healthy lifestyle regularly. In order for this method to run optimally, also complete with insurance protection Ready for Life from Astra Life, which has a benefit benefit of death due to illness or natural causes, amounting to 100%.
This insurance can also be supplemented with additional benefits from ASLI Pelita Proteksi Pratama products that provide protection for six critical illnesses, including heart attacks. #LoveLife and continue to dream of living a healthy life until old age.
Heart disease is indeed one of the main causes of death. Although most coronary heart disease occurs in the age group 65 years and over, but that does not mean we are careless about maintaining health.
Let's take care of heart health by applying these five healthy ways:
1. Exercise 30 minutes every day
Exercising can not only help control weight, but also reduce the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
You should do light exercise, such as walking at high speed, for about 30 minutes on almost every day of the week.
However, exercising for only 10 minutes every day also provides great benefits for your heart.
2. Stay away from cigarettes
Smoking is one of the most significant risk factors for developing heart disease.
Chemicals in tobacco can damage your heart and blood vessels, causing narrowing of the arteries due to plaque buildup (atherosclerosis). Atherosclerosis can eventually cause a heart attack.
Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke replaces some oxygen in your blood. This increases your blood pressure and heart rate by forcing the heart to work harder to supply enough oxygen.
3. Eat foods that are good for the heart
Eating healthy foods can reduce the risk of heart disease. Diets rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help protect your heart.
You can also eat nuts, low-fat or fat-free dairy products, lean meat, and fish as part of a healthy diet.
Avoid too much salt and sugar in your food. Also, limiting certain fats you eat is also important. Try to keep saturated fats up to 5 or 6 percent of your daily calories. And try to avoid trans fats from your food.
4. Get enough sleep and quality
Sleep deprivation not only makes you yawn throughout the day but also endangers health. People who lack sleep have a higher risk of obesity, high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes and depression.
Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each night.
One sign that you are getting enough sleep is that you wake up without an alarm and feel refreshed. But if you need a struggle to get out of bed, that's a sign you need more sleep.
5. Manage stress
Some people deal with stress in unhealthy ways - such as overeating, drinking or smoking.
You can try alternative ways to manage stress such as physical activity, relaxation exercises or meditation - it can help improve your health.
The heart is a very vital organ. When the heart has stopped beating, it is certain that life has been separated from the body. For this reason, maintaining heart health is very important. Unfortunately, there are still many people who are not aware of heart problems.
Caring for and maintaining the heart to stay healthy is not easy, but it must start now. Citing Times Of India, there are 10 ways to keep your heart healthy:
1. Get to know dangerous fats
Most of us don't know the difference between various types of fat. Even though there are fats that can harm the heart. One of them is trans fat or commonly known as unsaturated fat.
Trans fat is often found in fast food, packaged foods and processed foods and bread. This is because unsaturated fats increase levels of bad cholesterol in your body and reduce good cholesterol.
However, unsaturated fats are sometimes needed by the body. To control food patterns is very important for heart health.
2. Don't sit too long
Work that makes you have to sit too long must be avoided. Because sitting too long is not healthy for the heart. Because, the results of the study show that sitting too long increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 147 percent.
Another possibility is that deaths from this disease also multiply. So it can increase mortality by 90 percent.
3. Stop smoking
An active smoker will be more prone to a heart attack. Smoke in tokok is also dangerous for heart health even if you don't smoke, where the risk of heart disease is 30 percent.
4. Maintain dental hygiene
Many don't know about the relationship of teeth to the heart. Dental health means getting good heart health. This is because the risk factors for periodontal disease and heart disease are the same.
Unhealthy teeth have bacteria that cause gum disease into the bloodstream and cause an increase in levels of C-reactive protein that causes inflammation in your blood vessels.
5. Get enough sleep
Sleep and rest for seven hours. A study showed those who slept less than six hours increased their risk of cardiovascular disease more than two times, including heart attacks and strokes. This is because lack of sleep interferes with biological processes and can affect blood pressure and reduce heart conditions.
6. Control blood pressure
Some people who have high blood pressure can cause heart disease faster.
Ideally, if you are between 18 and 30, you must get blood pressure every three to five years. If you are older, you should check it every year.
7. Avoid using a headset
Did you know, loud sounds can also aggravate the heart condition. Studies have shown loud sounds like music that is too high can increase your heart rate which affects your blood pressure. Conversely, slow tempo and sound can have a calming effect on your mind and health.
8. Stay away from gadgets
Gadgets have a negative impact on health and this has been proven many times by various studies. However, it is not possible to avoid gadgets, remember digital life and technological developments are always present in your life.
So, make rules to avoid gadgets. Because the blue light emitted by gadgets can significantly increase the risk of cancer, diabetes and heart problems. In addition, it can interfere with sleep patterns.
9. Eat healthy food
Consuming five servings of fresh fruit, vegetables, dried fruit, nuts, and seeds in a day helps maintain heart health.
All processed foods such as cakes, bread and processed flour bread need to be avoided from your diet, especially drinks that contain sugar, such as soda and packaged juices. The first thing to do is stop consuming because solid sugar without fruit fiber is not good for heart health
10. Exercise
Exercise is an important way of maintaining heart health. You need to exercise and move like doing yoga, dancing, swimming, walking fast or cycling can be an alternative to exercise.
You must indulge in intensity training for 30 minutes, at least five days a week. This has been recommended by the World Health Organization for all adults aged between 18 and 64 years.
If you enjoy high-intensity exercise you can benefit from being healthy and good for the heart and avoiding other diseases such as depression, diabetes and breast cancer.
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