Jumat, 04 Januari 2019

8 Tips for Connecting to Get Pregnant Quickly

Every married couple certainly craves the presence of a child in the midst of married life. If you don't have offspring, it seems that happiness in the household is not perfect. Although the material has been more than enough and the feeling of love is also always maintained, but if you have not chased the offspring of the couple you will often feel lonely. If you and your partner have tried hard but have never been given a baby, don't despair. Related tips are needed to get the right pregnancy quickly.

Some Tips for Connecting to Get Pregnant Quickly

The following are a number of tips related to getting pregnant quickly which can be done immediately.

Record Women's Fertility
You and your partner must know the most appropriate time to have intercourse so that they are quickly gifted with offspring. The best time to have sex is during a woman's fertile period. You can set a date for intercourse by adjusting the fertile period and ovulation which generally occurs 16 days after the first menstruation or ranges 14 days before the next menstruation.

Love style
If you already know the fertile period, things that need to be considered in order to get pregnant quickly is to choose a position to have intercourse or intercourse that is able to encourage conception to be faster and more effective. Some of these positions are missionary position, doggy style position, missionary position by lifting the leg.

Frequency of making love
The way to connect to get pregnant sooner is by not too often or rarely making love. As for too often making love can cause a lot of sperm that comes out immature. While too rarely making love can also make a large number of sperm that come out weak because it is dead.

Lying After Connecting
After intercourse, the wife is recommended to remain lying for a few moments to increase the chance to get pregnant quickly. Therefore, it is best for the wife to urinate first before intercourse so as not to rush to go to the bathroom after making love.

Increase fertility husband and wife
Married couples are encouraged to consume foods that contain nutrients and vitamins that are good for helping the pregnancy process. There are several good food ingredients to maintain uterine fertility, for example sprouts, chicken, avocado, and milk. In addition, food ingredients such as eggs, fish, and meat can improve sperm quality.

Enough exercise
Doing exercise is a good thing for a person's body. However, if you exercise too often it will affect fertility, as well as if you are lazy to exercise. It's good to do light exercise three times a week for 30 minutes. One type of light exercise that is recommended is jogging in the morning.

Keep your ideal weight
Generally, having a body weight that is too thin can hinder your fertility, but being overweight is also not good. This is because it can stimulate the production of excessive estrogen hormones which can interfere with ovulation. Always keep your weight at the ideal number.

The desire to get pregnant fast is very strong often can make you and your partner stressed. Do not let this condition occur because it can make you lose the mood to have sex, it can even make your immune system decrease. Being relaxed is something you can do to smooth your hopes.

After marriage, you should consult and check your personal and partner health. What's more for those of you who have been married for one year but don't get pregnant. Live the process of tips related to quickly get pregnant without a burden so that you and your partner always feel comfortable and happy.

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