The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said,
I am the leader of all people on Judgment Day. Do you know why? Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala gathered the previous people and the final people on a plateau. They can be seen by people who see and can hear the person calling. The sun is very close to them. Everyone experiences hardship and suffering that they cannot bear. Then people say, kalian Do you not know to what extent you are experiencing this? Don't you think about who can ask for intercession for Rabb for you? 'Then some people say to others, ‘Your father, Prophet Adam' peace be upon him '.
They also came to him, then they said, ai O Prophet Adam! You are the father of all humans. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala created you with His power and blew His soul into your body. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala also commands angels to prostrate, so that they prostrate to you. In addition, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala gives you a place to live in heaven. Let you ask intercession for your Rabb for us? Don't you know what we are going through and how far has it happened to us? ’The Prophet Adam aih Peace be upon him replied, ungguh Really today my Rabb is very angry. He had never been angry like this before and he would not be angry like this again afterwards. Really, He forbids me to have a tree, but I do evil. Myself, myself, myself. Go to other than me. Go to Noah 'Peace be upon you'.
Then they went to Noah aih alaihissalam, then they said, ‘O Noah! You are the first Apostle on this earth. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has called yourself a much grateful servant. Don't you know what we are experiencing now? Let you ask for intercession for your Rabb for us? 'Prophet Noah aih Peace be upon him replied, ungguh Indeed, today my Rabb is very angry. He had never been angry like this before and he would not be angry like this again afterwards. Indeed, I have a certain sin that I have used to pray for destruction to my people. Myself, myself, myself, go to other than me. Go to Prophet Ibrahim "Peace be upon him".
Then they went to Prophet Ibrahim aih alaihissalam, then they asked, ‘O Ibrahim! You are a prophet of God and a lover of God among the inhabitants of the earth. Ask intercession for your Rabb for us. Have you not known the situation we are experiencing? 'Then the Prophet Ibrahim aih alaihissalam replied, ‘Really, today my Rabb is very angry. He had never been angry like this before and he would not be angry like this again afterwards. I have actually lied three times. Myself, myself, myself, go to other than me. Go to Moses 'Peace be upon him'.
Next they went to the Prophet Moses aih Peace be upon him, then they said, ai O Prophet Moses! You are the messenger of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has given priority to you with His apostolate and kalam which surpasses others. Ask intercession for your Rabb for us. Don't you know the situation we are experiencing? ’Then the Prophet Moses aih Peace be upon him replied, ungguh Really, today my Rabb is very angry. He had never been angry like this before and he would not be angry like this again afterwards. Really, I once killed a man even though I was not ordered to kill him. Myself, myself, myself, go to other than me. Go to the Prophet Isa 'Peace be upon him'.
After that, they went to Prophet Isa ‘alaihissalam, then they said,‘ O Prophet Isa! You are the messenger of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and who was created with His sentences which He delivered to Mary, and (with the blow) of the spirit of Him. You can talk to people while still in the cradle. Ask intercession for your Rabb for us. Don't you know the situation we are experiencing? 'Then the Prophet Isa ‘alaihissalam replied,‘ Really, today my Rabb is very angry. He had never been angry like this before and he would not be angry like this again afterwards. 'Prophet Jesus did not mention the sin he committed. ‘Myself, myself, myself, go to other than me. Go to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu aih alaihi wa sallam ’.
Then they came to the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, then they said,‘ O Muhammad! You are the messenger of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and the closing of the prophets. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has forgiven your past and future sins. Ask intercession for your Rabb for us. Don't you know the situation we are experiencing? 'Then I departed until I reached under the Throne. Then I prostrated to my Rabb. Then Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala taught me the praises to Him and the beauty of flattery to Him that He had never taught other than me. Then it says, ‘O Muhammad! Lift up to you. Submit a request, your request will be granted. Ask for intercession, surely your intercession will be accepted. 'Then I raised my head, then I said,' My ummah, O my Rabb, my people O my Rabb, my ummah O my Rabb! 'Then said, ai O Muhammad! Enter your people who are not despised from the gates of heaven to the right. They are also the same as other people besides the door. 'Then he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said, 'For the sake of the One who mengauasai me, in fact the distance between the two door leaves of some leaves the door of heaven equals the distance between Mecca and Hajar or between Mecca and Bushra '. "
(Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
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